Chance (19 Nov 2023)
"How Could There Possibly Be Beheadings in the U.S. During the Tribulation?"

Hello John and Doves,
If you've wondered how people will end up being beheaded during the Tribulation in the U.S. - just look at this recent rant in NY.  ]]
Who else beheads people?
 "We're done hiding.  We're done.  We're done being tortured and hurt and judged.  This is the correct religion.  This is the religion that all of humanity needs to be upon of Islam."
"And we will not stop until it enters every home.  So I want you to repeat after me.  I want to hear it in every single district.  It should tremble. Brooklyn should hear it, the Bronx should hear it.  Queens should hear it.  Say it as if the ummah (Muslim community) depends on this my brothers and sisters."  
"There is no god worthy of worship except Allah, the god of Jesus, the god of Moses, the god of Abraham and the god of the last and final prophet Muhammad."
(304) Muslim SHOCKS New York with TRUTH! #shorts - YouTube
The article ends with:  "Final thoughts:  WayofLifeSq seems intent to initiate a Holy War.  Fortunately, Islamists are a minority in America.  Now, imagine what will become once their numbers have grown comfortably for them."
I will add that a 'minority' can weld great power - especially if they use violence or threaten violence - if sleeper cells appear in cities - it wouldn't take many jihadis to shut down a city.  Blow up a building or two or light cars on fire....then threaten to blow up more buildings, subways, hospitals, schools, burn down buildings... - mayors will hand them 'the keys'.  The public will demand the mayor gives in.
Erdogan, President of Turkey, has already talked about a Holy War - between the U.S. and Islam - between the 'cross and the crescent'.  Between Christians and Muslims.
I believe that Holy War has been going on for a very long's just beginning in the U.S.  And the White House just announced a national strategy to combat Islamophobia.
"..the Domestic Policy Council and the National Security Council aims to create a comprehensive and detailed plan to protect Muslims and those perceived to be Muslim "because of their race, national origin, ancestry or any other reason, from discrimination, hate, bigotry and violence....The White House will be partnering with local communities on coming up with the strategy."  Biden traveled to Muslim controlled Minnesota "and promised to continue to press Israel to adhere to international laws protecting civilians in conflict and to push for increased aid to Gaza...Muslim American leaders had a private meeting with the president and called on Biden to show more empathy toward Palestinian lives ....local Muslim leaders announce an effort to get Muslim American voters to withhold their support for Biden's 2024 bid after he failed to endorse a ceasefire."
(Don't think Biden/whomever the DNC chooses will have a problem 'winning' - they'll just steal the election like they did in 2020.)
Walid Shoebat (former Palestinian terrorist/Christian now) told us years ago - warned us - "they (Islam) is coming for you".
"Beheadings" during the Tribulation would certainly fit in with a Mahdi/Muslim-Antichrist.  Just a thought....
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!