Hello John and Doves,
Adding Chris' letter to these other letters from last week - all about how Obama is 'popping up' in this Hamas-Israel War decisions...why is Obama even involved in any of this?As many suspect, Obama is in his third term as president. Obama is Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood. Obama still has strong ties to Arab countries - Iran and Qatar, in particular. Interesting.More and more keeps coming out about this. This letter connects some dots with a very disturbing revelation. Not really a surprising revelation, but I had hoped against hope that this administration truly supported Israel.Last week Chris sent in a letter with a link to a news article about Rep. Shri Thanedar (D-MI) (a left-wing radical in Congress) calling for Biden to appoint Obama as "chief negotiator" to secure the release of the hostages who are being held by the terrorists." This representative said they can "think of no one better than former President Barack Obama to lead these efforts."
House Dem calls for 72-hour ceasefire to allow ‘chief negotiator’ Obama to spring the hostages from Hamas
Why would a democrat representative bring this up - if they didn't KNOW something? It probably isn't a secret in D.C. about Obama's ties to "certain" countries in the Middle East - in particular - Iran and Qatar - and to the Muslim Brotherhood.Obama funded Iranian terror attacks on Israel! Just like Biden has been funding terrorists in the Middle East, through funding Iran primarily. There is an agenda here.And Obama recently referred to Israel as the 'occupier' and that Israel was complicit and shared equally in these atrocities.I would say that most people in Congress and the Biden administration know who is really running the country. This is the man they default too for the decision making. Obama.And Obama has close ties with the Muslim Brotherhood - the Muslim Brotherhood had open access to the White House during Obama's presidency. And Obama was very much in the 'middle of it all' in the Middle East during his two terms.And Obama has a history with Hamas: "That Hamas chose to launch its massive barrage against Israel (in 2012) after President Obama's reelection is no coincidence. He's given it every reason to feel it can act with relative impunity. The president's unconditional support for two of Hamas' biggest enablers in the region - Turkey and the new Muslim Brotherhood regime in Egypt - clearly have emboldened the terror group." (The Egyptians rose up and demanded Morsi - whom Obama helped get elected - step down - and he did - and then Egypt declared the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization.)"How is Obama connected to the hostage mediation going on now? Hamas is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, to start with. Obama is Muslim Brotherhood. And he has very close ties to the Amir of Qatar. Obama helped Qatar set up Hamas headquarters in Qatar.And, it looks like Qatar is the "mediator" in this - and Obama and the Amir of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, have had a 'relationship' for years. Back in 2015, Obama said, "The United States and Qatar have a very strong security relationship. They are hosts to our men and women in uniform. They are partners with us on a whole range of security initiatives. And we also have an extraordinary set of ties that are commercial, educational, scientific, technological And those benefit Qatar, they benefit the United States. They create jobs in both countries. And Qatar is a major investor here in the United States, as well....Qatar is a strong partner in our coalition to degrade and ultimately defeat ISIL."
Remarks by President Obama and the Amir of Qatar After Bilateral Meeting | whitehouse.gov
So what does Obama have in common with Qatar, with the Amir of Qatar? They both support the Muslim Brotherhood. They both support Hamas.Ironically, the Hamas headquarters are in Qatar and Iran.And a strange twist of events has resulted in Qatar being the "mediator" in this hostage situation. "Iran's chief Sunni ally, a fabulously wealthy tiny emirate that funds and houses Hamas and disseminates Muslim Brotherhood-style Islamism throughout the region vis its state-owned network, Al Jazeera: Qatar.""Along with Iran, Qatar is one of the primary state bankrollers of Hamas. It is the physical home of Hamas' organizational leaders, who live lavishly in five-star luxury hotels in Doha, far removed from the mayhem in Gaza."So why is Qatar not being condemned by the Biden administration for funding Hamas? Why do we only hear about Iran? The U.S. has a very large military base in Qatar. "Al Udeid Air Base is the largest U.S. military base in the Middle East and Qatar looks the other way when the U.S. launches strategic operations, such as the January 2020 assassination of Iranian arch-terrorist Qasem Soleimani, from the base." But probably, most importantly, Obama and the Amir of Qatar share common interests in the Middle East - like the destruction of Israel."The fact that Al Udeid is shockingly close to the Doha penthouses where Hamas leadership psychically lives seems not to bother top U.S. military brass. On the contrary, Qatar's cynical loaning of Al Udeid has been so successful in duping Americans that the emirate is on "our side" that the Biden administration even formally designated Qatar a "major non-NATO ally of the United States" in March 2022.""The administration is also currently indulging the farce of Qatar "mediating" hostage negotiations with Hamas in Gaza - the equivalent of enlisting the arsonist to put out the fire." (More than likely, with Obama's approval.)(I'll add - I sincerely doubt the U.S. or the West is being duped by Qatar - the U.S. knows exactly what is going on with Qatar - and Obama/Biden are complicit in this. The Obama administration and the Biden administration are anti-Israel, anti-Jew, anti-God. They fit together with Qatar like hand in glove. Qatar is "one of the wealthiest per-capita countries in the world" so it has a lot of money to 'throw around" to whoever it wants.And where do you think massive amounts of funding of top universities is coming from? Where many of the anti-Israel student rallies are taking place. Qatar. "Qatar has also been the single largest foreign state investor in American universities since 9/11, investing huge sums in such prestigious institutions as Cornell, Georgetown, Northwestern and Carnegie Mellon - many of which now have branches in Doha.""The Qatari information operation is multilayered, complex and unfortunately quite effective. It has duped successfully many Western elites in both North America and Europe...But no matter how much money Qatar sinks into its global P.R. campaign and no matter how much the U.S. benefits from Al Udeid, the emirate cannot escape the fact that it is one of the leading sponsors of Islamism and jihad the world over."Here are some recent articles on these universities Qatar sinks vast sums of money in to:Georgetown University:Northwestern:Of course, the universities heavily funded by Qatar are going to support the Palestinians.Qatar's foreign ministry "solely blamed Israel for Hamas's attack and has not once condemned the brutality. And yet Doha's (Qatar's) sway over Hamas might be the only hope for families desperate for a reunion with their abducted sons, daughters, grandparents and other loved ones."So why are the headquarters of Hamas in Qatar? "In 2012, as war raged in Syria and Hamas's leadership opposed the Syrian government, Doha (Qatar) provided it with shelter. Qataris said the decision was taken in coordination with the United States and with the blessing of then-U.S. President Barack Obama. Hamas owes Qatar not just for offering refuge to its leaders and providing a base to plan and parley with its Iranian patrons, but also for millions of dollars in annual foreign aid...Thus far, Qatar has managed to convince Hamas to release four captives, all women.""Israel and many of its Western allies believe that Thani (Amir of Qatar) exercises far more leverage on the group than he is probably letting on..."The international community should call on Qatar, which finances Hamas, to enable the immediate release of the hostages held by the terrorist, " Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen said at the United Nations Security Council meeting this week."
How Qatar Became the Middle East’s Indispensable Mediator Between Israel and HamasThere is probably no doubt whatsoever that Obama has been in contact with the Amir of Qatar over what's going on across the U.S. and what's going on between Israel and Hamas. Biden is doing what he is being told to do."It is Obama himself who doggedly pursued a grand strategic "realignment" in the Middle East, away from Israel and America's traditional Sunni Arab allies and toward the terrorist Iranian regime and the Muslim Brotherhood (for which Hamas is the Palestinian-Arab offshoot). The Biden administration, reliably active as a third Obama term, has stayed the course - evinced by a brand-new alleged U.S. sanctions waiver that would enrich the Tehran mullahcracy to the tune of $10 billion."
After Hamas Pogrom, Qatar Must Finally Pay For Its Sponsor of Terrorism | OpinionWhy would Biden do this? Providing more $$ for Iran's terrorist attacks in the Middle East? Hamas killed Americans too on October 7. Hamas took Americans hostage too on October 7.
Biden Mulls Approval of Fresh $10 Billion for IranThe only way any of this makes sense is - the U.S. is complicit with Iran and Qatar. This administration hates Israel, hates God. They have buddied up the enemies of Israel.Add this: "Since taking control of Gaza in 2006, Hamas has regularly shelled Israel. But rocked and mortar attacks against its civilians have increased each year since Obama took office."
How Obama Aided And Abetted Hamas Attacks | Investor's Business DailySo we have a Third Term President that is not only destroying the United States but has it in for Israel. And Biden/Obama have emboldened Israel's enemies - like Turkey - who support Hamas.Biden/Obama/Turkey/Qatar/Iran/etc all share in Hamas' goal of eliminating the state of Israel - 'from the river to the sea'.We are seeing this happening right before our eyes. And the anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian protesters are getting away with violence, vandalism, blocking streets, attacking police officers, etc. All approved and supported by this administration.This would explain why Israel has no allies that help in the Gog and Magog War. I always thought the U.S. would be there for Israel. God allowed the 2020 election to be stolen. God is allowing all of this to happen. Obama is an enemy of Israel - and God has allowed him a third term. To fulfill His prophecies.Here we are thinking the U.S. is an ally of Israel - when in fact, the U.S. is no better than Iran, Hamas, Turkey, Syria, Hezbollah, Qatar, etc. It's the American people who have been duped! (Fay has written many letters about the U.S. playing both sides - something is really wrong...yes, indeed.)The way the Biden administration is waffling in support of Israel, added to what Obama has said...and it has finally "officially" come out that Obama is running his third term through Biden (which is what many have suspected from the get go)...and Obama is Muslim Brotherhood...and Hamas is the Palestinian-Arab offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood.It's all starting to come together. Connecting these dots sure is looking bad for America and Israel.We've got a great big target right over America!Now back to Obama as possibly the Antichrist - I certainly did not know much about what's been going on until now...and I bet there is a whole lot going on with Obama and Muslim leaders behind our backs. That's why he never left.One has to ask, why does Obama hate Israel/the Jewish people so much? Obviously, this is in his heart - the spirit of Antichrist. The devil isn't through with him.God help us all!Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!Maranatha!Chance