"Then it happened, as they continued on and talked, that suddenly a chariot of fire appeared withhorses of fire, and separated the two of them; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven."2nd Kings 2:11
"For behold, the Lord will come with fire And with His chariots, like a whirlwind,To render His anger with fury, And His rebuke with flames of fire."Isaiah 66:15
More details at > https://www.jesus2ndcoming2028.com/ <Hello Five Doves,An incredible series of Prophetic Signs and discoveries happened on 11/7-8/2022.On 11/7/2022 on a personal level I discovered the above verses are the only two verses in the Bible with thewords fire chariot whirlwind, in the text of the Verse. Same day 11/7/2022 the POWERBALL WINNERof a record $2 Billion happened, although by technical glitch it wasn't officially announced until 11/8/2022.
ALTADENA CALIFORNIA at Joes Service Center is where the WINNING POWERBALL TICKET was sold.In the wiki link you can see ALTADENA is closest to longitude 118, 34 latitude. This prophetically syncsin the Bible by Book, chapter and verse to 1 Kings 18:34.
Lo and Behold...This vs describes the Isaiah 66:15 is in chapter ofRapture of Elijah, which is >>> Bible 745+vs of book 1283 = 2028 !!The POWERBALL a prophetic typology event >>> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^winning ticket was sold in synced to the END TIME >>> Isaiah 66:15 is describing what it ^^^^^^ALTADENA CALIFORNIA Rapture Resurrection >>> it will actually look like at ^^^^^^which is closest to of all GOD's Saints >>> Jesus Christ Second Coming 2028 !!longitude 118, 34 latitude. fire chariot whirlwind, fire chariot whirlwind,1 Kings 18:34. 2nd Kings 2:11 Isaiah 66:15^^^^^^ !................its 187 vs to..........!........................9375 vs to....................!1 Kings 18:33 is vs number >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 9375 of the Bible !!^^^^187 = 10+33+41+47+56^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^The First 5 Books of the Bible ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^have exactly 187 chapters. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ http://www.newjerusalem.org/10?from=Number(14162).Search(10)^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^Genesis 1:10 is vs 10 of the Bible with a >>>>>> 2074 Hebrew gematria count.Genesis 2:2 is vs 33 of the Bible with a >>>> 4616 Hebrew gematria count.Genesis 2:10 is vs 41 of the Bible with a >> 3391 Hebrew gematria count.Genesis 2:16 is vs 47 of the Bible with a >1455 Hebrew gematria count.Genesis 2:25 is vs 56 of the Bible with a 2626 Hebrew gematria count.Total > 14162 <^^^^^^^97 X 146 = 14162 <AMOS is the only Book of Bible with 146 verses.^^^^ 146 = 57+89AMOS is the only Book of Bible that can sync with Jewish Year 5789 which begins in Sept 2028.^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^A=1,B=2 etc > JOHN CARMAN = 97 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^A=1,B=2 etc > STEPHEN = 87 WILKINS = 97 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^9+30+20+28=87 AMOS and MICAH are the ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Only Books of the Bible with 9 and 7 chapters.... ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^AMOS and MICAH are also Book 30 and 33 of the Bible... ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^STEPHEN WILKINS ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^began his calling from the LORD ^^^^^^^ DAY OF ATONEMENTto document the 2028 Revelations ^^^^^^^ MASSIVE evidence aligning herewhen he received Gabriel Ansley's Book ^^^^^^^ for Second Coming of2028END with a KNOCK on the Door ^^^^^^^ Jesus Christon 6/11/2020 ^^^^^^^ 9/30/2028REVELATION 3:20 !.......................................3033 days to...........................................!"Behold, I stand at the door and KNOCK." ^^^^^See full testimony in these articles > 3033 = 957+28+20+2028> http://www.fivedoves.com/letters/june2022/stevew626.htm < ^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^> http://www.fivedoves.com/letters/oct2022/stevew1016-2.htm < Chapter 957 of the Bible is Matthew 28.Last vs Book of Matthew is Matthew 28:20. ^^^^^^
Last vs Book of Matthew is vs 1071 ^^^^^^
957 + 1071 = 2028Matthew begins with chapter 930 of the Bible, so from beginningto end Matthew reveals the prophetic date 9/30/2028 !!"And lo I will be with you always,even to the End of the Age" amen.MATTHEW 28:20............................................................................................................................................................................................
The record $2 Billion winningSTEPHEN WILKINS gave the first public POWERBALL numbersinterview of the 2028 Revelations on the became official herewith JOHN CARMAN on Total Lunar Eclipse10/10/2022 11/8/2022!.....................................29 days...............................!^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^2nd KINGS 2:11 is verse 29 Book of 2nd KINGS where Elijah is Raptured !!The words fire, chariot, whirlwind in textALTADENA CALIFORNIA sync with ISAIAH 66:15 which describeslocation is closest to Jesus Christ Second Coming 2028 !!longitude 118, 34 latitude. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^1 Kings 18:34. 2nd KINGS 2:11!................its 187 vs to..................................!187 = 10+33+41+47+56The winning POWERBALLnumbers were purchased inIn standard english gematria > ALTADENA CALIFORNIA = 551^^^^PSALM 73 is chapter 551 of the Bible.PSALM 72, PSALM 73 is the only place in the Old Testament wherechapters have a verse sequence of 20 and 28 !! . These are the only chapters in theJesus Christ Second Coming 2028 !! New Testament with a 20 and 28 vs sequence !!From PSALM 72, PSALM 73 its exactly 588 chapters to HEBREWS 6 and 7.A=1,B=2 etc > ^^^^^> Jesus Christ Second Coming Two Thousand Twenty Eight = 588"49 Years" is same as 588 months.Leviticus 25:8-9 only place in Bible "49 Years" is seen in text, and its in direct associationwith the DAY OF ATONEMENT there.And in the year 2028 the DAY OF ATONEMENT will be 9/30/2028 .............................................................................................................................^^^^^^^^^^^^^...........................MASSIVE amounts ofPOWERBALL Start date for the for Second Coming ofhad its official start Great Tribulation Jesus Christon 4/19/1992 4/19/2025 9/30/2028!.........................33 years to..............!..................1260 days................!One of the POWERBALL ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^record winning numbers was 33 ^^^^^^^^^^^^on 11/7-8/2022. ^^^^^^^^^^^^from Russia. John Carman talked about the date 4/19/2025 during the show and duringthe interview the number 33 came up. That led Alexander to speak about the assassination ofJOHN F. KENNEDY near the 33 latitude line at Dealey Plaza TX. Alexander also spoke about how many believe theassassination of KENNEDY was a Freemasonic Ritual known as "KILLING OF THE KING THIRTY THREE". TheHighest degree of Freemasonry one can achieve is the 33rd degree. A Book has been written about all thiswhich you can read at this link > https://archive.org/details/KingKill33V2_20190312/page/n1/mode/2up <^^^^^^^^A=1,B=2 etc > ^^^^^^^^^^^^
> "KILLING OF THE KING THIRTY THREE" = 325 https://www.numberempire.com/2153And in math the 325th prime number equals 2153 .AMAZINGLY this all perfectly synchronizes with the prophetic chart below ^^^^^^on 11/6/2022 the day BEFORE the POWERBALL numbers came out and ^^^^^^BEFORE John Carman and Alexander spoke about 33 and the KENNEDY ^^^^^^^^^^^^The record $2 Billion winning ^^^^^^
POWERBALL numbers ^^^^^^became official here ^^^^^^Prophetic Sign ^^^^^^ DAY OF ATONEMENTsee article > http://www.fivedoves.com/letters/aug2022/stevew821-1.htm < in the Heavens ^^^^^^ MASSIVE evidenceProphetic Sign Total Lunar Eclipse ^^^^^^ aligning here forWhite House MID TERM ^^^^^^ Jesus ChristLightning Strike ELECTIONS ^^^^^^ Second Coming8/4/2022 11/8/2022 ^^^^^^ 9/30/2028!.................3 months 4 days..............!......................2153 days.............!! Notice 3 died and 4 total ! 2153 is the sum of the ASCII codes forwere struck by Lightning 8/4/2022. 8/25/2022 11/8/2022 ‘John Fitzgerald Kennedy’!..........21 days......!......75 days...........! ^ Bob Ware discovery ^ !! 21 divided by 75 = .28 !! ! ^^^^^^ !The lone survivor of the Lightning Strike turned age 28 ! ^^^^^^ !on exactly 8/4/2022 !! ! ! ^^^^^^ MASSIVE evidence! ! ^^^^^^ aligning here forAssassination of ! MID TERM ^^^^^^ Jesus Christ‘John Fitzgerald Kennedy’ ! ELECTIONS ^^^^^^ Second Coming11/22/1963 11/8/2022 ^^^^^^ 9/30/2028!....................21536 days.................!......................2153 days.............!^^^^^>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<^^^^^ !Start of the 19 yr ! MID TERM !Jewish Calendar cycle ! ELECTIONS !10/2/2016 8/25/2022 11/8/2022 9/30/2028!...................2153 days...................!........75 days............!.....................2153 days.............!! ^^^^^^ 3X25 = = = 75 ^^^^^ !! ^^^^^>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<^^^^^ MASSIVE evidence! 2153 is the 325th prime number <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 2153 aligning here for! ^^^^^ Second Coming10/2/2016 ^^^^^ 9/30/2028!........................................................................4381 days.........................................................!..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................!..............................https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dorothy_Kilgallen !
!Some more remarkable Prophetic syncs with these KENNEDY connections !is DOROTHY KILGALLEN. She is known as the reporter "Who Knew Too Much" and boasted publicly she wasgoing expose WHO REALLY KILLED KENNEDY. See > https://www.phantomsandmonsters.com/2022/11/jfk-assassination-woman-who-knew-too.html <^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ !^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The record $2 Billion winning !^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ POWERBALL numbers !As a result there's a lot of suspicious evidence became official here !DOROTHY KILGALLEN Prophetic Sign !was murdered on Total Lunar Eclipse !11/8/1965 11/8/2022 9/30/2028!..........................57 years..................................!..................2153 days.............!John F Kennedy ^^^ ! ^^^^^^ !was assassinated on ^^^ sync date ! ^^^^^^ !11/22/1963 ^^^ 11/22/2020 ! ^^^^^^ 9/30/2028!........................57 years.........!.......716 days.....!................2153 days................!^^^^ ^^^^^^716 divided by 2153 = .33255.A=1,B=2 etc >"KILLING OF THE KING THIRTY THREE" = 3252153 is the 325th Prime #.The sum of the ASCII codes for ‘John Fitzgerald Kennedy’ = 2153 ^^^ ^^^‘John Fitzgerald Kennedy’ was assassinated near the 33rd latitude line.John F Kennedy was the 35th President USA...........................................................................................................................................................................................Here is a remarkable way the Rapture of Elijah syncs with the Bible into the END TIME scenario.The Bible reveals the prophetic correlation between ISRAEL in the wilderness for Forty Years and theGreat Tribulation time frame being in the wilderness for 1260 days Revelation 12:6.
!....in the wilderness Forty Years...!!......................4000 vs to..........................!GOD parts the ISRAEL crosses theRed Sea the JORDAN into Promise LandStart of Bible Exodus 14:21 Joshua 3:17
!..................64 chapters to............!......................126 chapters to.................!! ^^ ^^^ the Seventh Angel sounds! ^^ I know your works, ^^^ 7th and Last Trumpet! ^^ that you are neither cold nor hot. ^^^ for Second ComingStart of Book ^^ I could wish you were cold or hot. ^^^ of Jesus Christ here !!of REVELATION ^^ REVELATION 3:15 ^^^ REVELATION 11:15!.................64 verses to...............!......................126 verses to.....................!^^^^ ^^^^ !Prophetic sync REVELATION 12:6 and the 1260 days !in the wilderness, of the GREAT TRIBULATION !^^^^ ^^^^ !Notice 40 X 31.5 = 1260 !! Jesus ChristGreat Tribulation ^^^^^ Second Coming4/19/2025 then >>>>>>> 1260 days to <<<<<<< 9/30/2028^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^In addition chapter 315 of Bible is 2nd Kings 2 where ELIJAH is Raptured.The text of 2nd Kings 2 is clear GOD Raptures ELIJAH at the crossing of the JORDAN.So ISRAEL crossing the JORDAN into the PROMISE LAND at the end of 40 years in wildernessis a prophetic typology event revealing, at the end of the 1260 days of the Great Tribulation, when theSecond Coming of Jesus Christ happens, ALL GOD's Saints will enter into the PROMISE LAND ofHEAVEN with the prophesied END TIME Rapture Resurrection !!
"And fifty men of the sons of the prophets went and stood facing themat a distance, while the two of them stood by the JORDAN."Elijah took his mantle, rolled it up, and struck the water;and it was divided this way and that, so that the two of them crossed over on dry ground.""Then it happened, as they continued on and talked, that suddenly a chariot of fire appeared with horses of fire ,and separated the two of them; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven."2nd KINGS 2:7,8,11.....................................................................................................................................................................................
Where the Bible really nails down the prophetic correlation between these two time frames ofForty Years and 1260 days with exact precision is in the Book of PSALMS starting with this verse....
"For Forty Years I was grieved with that generation, And said,‘It is a people who go astray in their hearts, And they do not know My ways.’"PSALMS 95:10
This is the only place in the book of PSALMS where Forty Years appears in text and leads us into these astonishing revelations.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^"He turned the Sea into dry land; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^They went through the river on foot. Forty Years "Our feet have been standing
There we will rejoice in Him." in text of vs Within your gates, O Jerusalem!"PSALM 66:6 PSALM 95:10 PSALM 122:2!..................................585 vs to....................!......................627 vs to......................!This is vs number 14880 ^^^^ ^^^^ !New World Order = 1488 585 + 42 = 627 !in standard english gematria ^^^ << Notice it is GOD himself who is granting authority"And he was given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies, << to the 666 ANTICHRIST BEAST world systemand he was given authority to continue for 42 months." << to implement the New World Order with the coming! REVELATION 13:5 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^<< Mark of the BEAST and all other details Revelation 13.! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ !! With a Prophetic year of 360 days > 42 months equals 1260 days same as Revelation 12:6,! length of the Great Tribulation timeline.PSALM 66:6 is ^^^^ PSALM 122:2is where the prophetic date ^^^^ is where the prophetic date4/19/2025 is encoded ^^^^ 9/30/2028 is encoded!............................................................................1260 days...................................!http://www.newjerusalem.org/Ps.66?from=Search(Ps.66.6)#6 ; http://www.newjerusalem.org/Ps.122?from=Search(Ps.122.2)#2
The subject of PSALM 66:6 is GOD parting PSALM 122:2 is the Last place in the Biblethe RED SEA which history records happened a verse has a gematria count of 2028 . Andon the Jewish calendar of NISAN 21. At the same PSALM 122:2 is vs 2152 of the Book of PSALMStime PSALM 66:6 has a gematria count of 2025. The reverse 2512 unveils the following revelations.And NISAN 21 is the date 4/19/2025 in that year. ^^^^^^^^