Ray (27 Nov 2022)
"Matthew 24, But of that day, finally mystery unlocked"

John and Doves,

There have been many debates and arguments concerning Matthew 24.  From verse 5 to 31, Jesus is describing the 7 years tribulation events that leads to his second coming in verse 30. This 7 years tribulation is known as the day of the Lord's anger (Zephaniah 2) or simply the day of the Lord. Beginning from verse 36, Jesus goes on to describe when the day of the Lord shall arrive.

Matthew 24:36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.

But of "that day"

"that day" is the day of the Lord or simply 7 years tribulation. When we understand "that day" is the day of the Lord, Jesus' message becomes much clearer. Here's a better illustration. 

But of that day (the day of the Lord) and (it's) hour, knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.

Basically, what Jesus has said is this, no one knows when the day of the Lord / that day/ the 7 years tribulation shall arrive, including its hour, only the Father does.  Paul has echoed Jesus' message in 1 Thessalonians 5:2 by using "the thief in the night".

1 Thessalonians 5:2 For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.

Paul repeats Jesus' message, stating that no one knows when the day of the Lord shall arrive, because it shall come as a thief in the night. And the reason the day of the Lord shall come as a thief in the night because it is triggered by rapture, an event unknown to all of us concerning it's day and hour.   

Now we should be clear of what "that day" in verse 36 means. It means "the day of the Lord". No one knows when the day of the Lord shall arrive, including the hour, only the Father does, because it is triggered by God's calling the church home.

In Matthew 24, disciples ask Jesus what the signs of the latter days are. Jesus answers by giving all the major events in 7 years tribulation, beginning from verse 5, false Christs shall appear, wars and rumors of wars, kingdoms against kingdoms, nations against nations. All these are beginning of sorrows. Then he proceeds to middle of tribulation in verse 15, abomination stands in the Holy place/third temple. Jesus forewarns the Jews to flee when they see this event, because the great tribulation is about to begin. He concludes the 7 years tribulation by giving the phenomenon of sun shall be darkened, moon shall not give light at the moment he returns to earth. All these events are known as the day of the Lord's anger in Zephaniah 2, or simply put, the day of the Lord. 

Beginning from verse 36, he explains how the day of the Lord shall arrive. He calls the day of the Lord as "that day" in verse 36. He says but of that day/the day of the Lord, no one knows the day and hour of when it arrives, except the Father. "That day" in verse 36 is not the day he returns to Jerusalem. Many Christians have falsely identified "that day" as Jesus' second coming. "That day" is the day of the Lord, a summation of all the previous events he foretells from verse 5 to 31, known as 7 years tribulation.

Understanding Jesus' message should put a stop to all the arguments re Matthew 24. Jesus teaches pretribulation rapture.

A note here. When we talk about the day of the Lord, it can represent the 7 years tribulation, but it can also represent a single day event. The day of the Lord is the 7 years tribulation. But when Jesus says, "but of that day, no one knows the day and hour", Jesus is referring to the beginning of the day of the Lord which is a single day event. Same logic applies to Paul's message. When Paul says the day of the Lord shall come as a thief in the night, Paul is referring to the beginning of the day of the Lord.

I have finally solved the puzzle in Matthew 24:36 regarding 'that day".  It has troubled many generations and Christians. What is "that day" referred to? 

Now we understand Jesus is talking about the day of the Lord in verse 36, the rest of his message in verse 37 to 41 is much clearer. 

Jesus says but of that day/the day of the lord, no one knows the day and hour, when it shall arrive, not even angels in heaven, nor the Son, except the Fathe. In that day, when Son of man returns, it shall be like Noah's days. People are eating, drinking, marrying and giving in marriage. But in an hour they think not, Son of man returns. In that day, two men in the field, one is taken, the other left. Two women grinding in the mill, one is taken, the other left. Hallelujah!!! All glory to God the Father, Son Jesus and Holy Spirit!!! This is the rapture generations have been waiting for!!!
