Patty Hayes (27 Nov 2022)
"Chemical Warheads Syria/Lebanon Border/Amir Tsarfati Telegram"

The Saudi Al-Hadath channel reports from sources that the Hezbollah terror organization recently transferred a variety of rockets with chemical warheads from Masyaf in western Syria to the Al-Kasir area near the Syria-Lebanon border, and that the process of transferring the rockets was done with the help of Unit 2250 belonging to the Iranian Revolutionary Guards. It was also reported that the process of filling the heads of the rockets with the chemical substance was done with the help of North Korean experts and under the supervision of Kasem Abdullah from Saudi Arabia, a chemical weapons expert and an Iranian citizen. It was also reported by the sources that Hezbollah is expected to soon move the rockets to the Bint Jbeil area in southern Lebanon and near the base of the UNIFIL force, this after Hezbollah discovered that the existence of the weapons depot in Al-Qasir became known to Israel.
