Neil Lipken (27 Nov 2022)
"G20 leaders agree to work toward mandatory digital health passports for all human beings: This will kickstart one-world beast system experimented with during Covid –"

A global totalitarian government is approaching!   Great article below!   But this also means that the Rapture is drawing close, as the Rapture will happen before a global government is fully instituted!   From the "parable of the fig tree" in the Bible (Israel is God's fig tree----- Hosea 9:10), the "generation" to see Israel's return as a nation (1948) will see all end time events fulfilled!   That includes the upcoming Rapture, subsequent 7 year Tribulation Period, and then the Second Coming of Israel's long rejected Messiah, Who is Christ (Psalm 22:14-18, Micah 5:2, and all of Isaiah 53).   So, are end time events being discussed in all of the churches?   Nope, just in very few!   Why?   Matthew 24:39, that is why!  And there are other reasons too, too much to go into here.


P.S.   If you are Jewish and you are reading this, know that our Jewish Messiah is found in those three Old Testament Scripture passages listed above!   Man may lie, but God does not lie!   As all of you know, I am Jewish and I found our Messiah in the fall of 1979, and it was the very best decision that I have made in my entire life by far!   If a person does not know Him, they will be left here after the Rapture to face the most terrifying time in all of human history!   It would be wise to closely examine the Old Testament Scriptures that I have listed above!   You will not regret it if you will soften your heart!   And by the way, Jesus came into the world Jewish!  He was (and is) in the lineage of King David!   And having accepted Him as my Lord and Savior, I am still very much Jewish!   I love my nation Israel and our Jewish brethren!   Jewish unbelief is prophesied in the Bible, but those Jewish people who find Him will find eternal life and a future way beyond any of our wildest dreams and comprehension!   Just look up 1 Corinthians 2:9 in the New Testament!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.P.S.   As usual anyone receiving this email has my permission to send it to family and friends!