Jean Stepnoski (27 Nov 2022)
"Blessed Days Before Us: Advent and Hanukkah"

   Without Hanukkah events of 168-165 BCE, how would there have been the First Advent, the First Coming of the Messiah of Israel? The momentous events of long ago proved a foundation, helped to Prepare the Way for The First Coming. By 164 BCE The Temple, Hebrew, The Ten Commandments, The Shema, The Torah Commanded Ways of Living, The Office of the High Priest, and The Aaronic Priesthood ALL HAD TO BE RESTORED! Rededicated. The Dedication. Lives has to be renewed in OBEDIENCE to all important spiritual things. Israel had to be Restored in many aspects: Nation, People, Community, Neighborhoods, Families, Congregants at Temple and Synagogues, and Individuals. To Prepare the Way for 8 generations ahead, each lasting 20 years of youth. Hanukkah annually reminds us of The LONG 160 years of the process of THE PREPARATION.


  So does Advent! Advent begins this weekend: 11-26 to 27. There are Blessed Days Before Us: Advent and Hanukkah. The Season of Advent helps us to daily and weekly recall the Preparing of the Way for The First Advent, The First Coming of the Messiah of Israel as Baby, and Child, and King and Messiah, and Savior. The Redeemer of humankind! John the Baptist, the Messiah’s older cousin, began to live nearing the ending of the long 160 years of Preparation, of Preparing the Way. Do you see? There was SO MUCH MORE than John alone, as important and necessary as he was! Steve Fletcher wants us to understand the very important 40 Day Period of PREPARATION for Hanukkah. It reminds us of Jonah daily preaching repentance at Ninevah a full 40 days, according to divine command. These days began on 11-8-2022, the day of the Total Lunar Eclipse and Midterm Elections in the USA. Day 40 is complete at sunsets on 12-18-2022. Then what according to The Torah Calendar? That evening as the 40 is full and over, Night 1 Hanukkah begins with the lighting of lights. Israel will have glowing and flickering Lights in the darkness at dusk. The Festival of LIGHTS! We will be near the Winter Solstice and in the 40 Anniversary Days of the Noah 8 since Cheshvan 17 on 11-12 to 13, 2022. The Days of Noah Revisited.


   Advent and Hanukkah share a theme of candlelight. LIGHT!!! Light to dispel and conquer the darkness. SPIRITUAL LIGHT AND LIFE!!! May the dear Doves be part of the Messiah’s Light, The Light of the World in the Blessed Days Before Us: Advent and Hanukkah. Will these Blessed Days be Preparing the Way for Phase 2 of His Resurrection, the soon Joy of His Appearing on The Day of The Blessed Hope? The Light of the World beckons us to come to Him each blessed day! Come quickly Redeemer, The Captain of our Souls, The Prince of Peace!


With Love and Shalom.
