David W (27 Nov 2022)
"Sipping Out of the Golden Chalice"

Sipping Out of the Golden Chalice

I had a dream it which the Lord spoke to me telling me that most of my life I had been sipping out of the golden chalice of Mystery Babylon the Great (that great city that sits on 7 hills). Quite intense, long, and vivid dream. Sipping each week.

I got saved at 9 years old and continued in the church that my parents went to and several others. I did my very best to obey what those churches said to do.

I cried most of the dream repenting and renouncing the sin which was revealed to me. The Lord said I was espoused to Him, but was obeying someone else committing Spiritual Adultery and fornication playing the Harlot like Israel did. I was doing what the churches/pastor told me to do!

When I awoke, I repented and renounced my sin. Happy is the man whose sin has been forgiven!

About 14 years ago the Lord lead me out of the church system into a small home church where we tried to do what God/Jesus said to do going directly to Bible for direction of what to do. After doing this 14 years, then the Lord let me know of my hidden sin. I let others in home church know of the dream, they also repented.

It matters who you obey, unknowingly I was not obeying God but the woman with the chalice.