Walk in Love (7 Nov 2021)
"Who are the 8 kings in the book of Revelation?"


Testimony from Heaven that identify the 8 Kings


I am a gentile. I was shown this as a gentile in part from gentiles who died and came back to testify to what they were shown was coming and then seeing how their testimony fit the scriptures. However, it was the testimony of Natan, a secular Jewish young man who died, spent 15 minutes in heaven, and was sent back to testify to his nation about the coming destruction that unlocked and anchored the understanding. Natan was shown the alignment of the nations going to war in the middle east, their turning on Israel, overwhelming the IDF in 2 days, the door to door, city to city slaughter of all Jews, men women, children and babies in the land, those that can flee head towards Jerusalem, they see their Messiah come down from the clouds and stand on the Mt of Olives splitting it open, they are running there to enter for their salvation, only the elect are allowed in, their Messiah slays all the armies and wicked, shaking all the nations to their foundations, they bury Gog in Israel and it takes years to burn the weapons. He also said he was shown the face of Gog and it was a USA president and the beginning date of WW3 from God's viewpoint. That date corresponds to their blood moons and the ratification of the treaty with Iran that enables Iran to create the 2 nukes they will drop on Israel.

“Here is the mind that has wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits. They are seven kings. Five have fallen, the one is, and the other has not yet come. When he comes, he must continue a little while. The beast that was, and is not, is himself also an eighth, and is of the seven; and he goes to destruction." Revelation 17:9-11

"The seven heads are seven mountains (hills) (Washington DC) on which the woman sits". "They are seven kings. Five have fallen (Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama), the one is, (Trump is the king at the exact time that the Sign in the heavens of the Son being born to the woman spoken of in Revelation 12 was given for the whole world to see) and the other has not yet come. When he comes, he must continue a little while. (Biden). The beast that was, and is not, is himself also an eighth, and is of the seven; and he goes to destruction." (Is the mystery eighth king to come: Obama, Trump or someone very unexpected who fulfills the prophecy?)

Regardless of who becomes the face of this 8th King, the purpose of the prophecy is to warn the saints to prepare for severe persecution, to be certain to identify and refuse his coming mark and false worship.  We should prepare to lay down our life in faith and testimony to the Son of God while patiently waiting for His return. He is the only one who can fix this earth problem by completely cleansing and uplifting humanity and the planet. That is the Good News!
