Ray (28 Nov 2021)
"430 years iniquity of Israel and Judah. Part 1."

John and Doves,

This is a repost, for anyone who have missed my calculation.

From Ezekiel 4, God has numbered the iniquity of Israel and Judah for 430 years. These 430 years helps us to identify the year Jesus returning to Jerusalem, and puts an end to Israel and Judah iniquity.

Solomon died in the summer of 929 BC. His kingdom was split into two. They were Israel and Judah. Jeroboam became King of Israel shortly after Solomon died. The first feast they were supposed to observe and held fast is Yom Kippur. But under Jeroboam, Israel has changed the assembly to Cheshvan 15, one month after Yom Kippur. Because they did not hold a feast and a fast on the Day of Atonement Tishri 10 which is commanded by God, God saw their iniquity begin on Tishri 10 929 BC.

According to torahcalendar.com, Tishri 10 Yom Kippur 929 BC began on sunset Sept 27 which is day 1382376. Judah faced her destruction on Tisha B'Av which is July 18 586 BC day 1507585.

1507585 - 1382376 = 125209 days.

There have been 125209 days of Israel and Judah sinning against God unto Judah destruction on Tisha B'Av in 586 BC. Just like Daniel's 70 weeks /490 years are all biblical years, 430 years  iniquity of Israel and Judah are all biblical years also. 430 biblical years = 430 X 360 days = 154800 days.

154800 days - 125209 days = 29591 day.

There is a remaining of 29591 days of sinning against God in Judah and Israel history. They came back as a sovereign nation on May 14 1948. Since they still reject Jesus as their Messiah, their iniquity clock began to move again on May 14 1948. Adding 29591 days to May 14 1948, we come to May 20 Sivan 6 2029 as the last day of their iniquity. May 20 2029 also happens to be Shavuot/Pentecost on Jewish calendar. Jesus shall return to Jerusalem in the spring of 2029, to put an end to their iniquity. On Pentecost May 20 2029, God shall forgive their iniquity. This wraps up the 430 years iniquity of Israel and Judah.

Subtract 2520 days from Pentecost May 20 2029, rapture and tribulation is very likely to occur on June 26 Sivan 27 2022.

From Ezekiel 4, God has foretold Israel and Judah would sin against Him for 430 years. Just like Daniel's 490 years prophecy, 430 years are 430 biblical years which equal to 154800 days. Question is, when did these 430 years iniquity begin?

The answer is simple. It goes back to when were the two states Israel and Judah formed. It is because God has clearly specified it was Israel the northern kingdom and Judah the southern kingdom that sinned against Him. Solomon died in the summer of 929 BC. His kingdom was split into two. They were Israel the northern kingdom and Judah the southern kingdom. The 430 years iniquity of Israel and Judah began in 929 BC. To be more exact, we trace back to Jeroboam in 1 Kings 12. Jeroboam became king shortly after Solomon died.

1 Kings 12:25 Then Jeroboam built Shechem in mount Ephraim, and dwelt therein; and went out from thence, and built Penuel. 26 And Jeroboam said in his heart, Now shall the kingdom return to the house of David: 27 If this people go up to do sacrifice in the house of the LORD at Jerusalem, then shall the heart of this people turn again unto their lord, even unto Rehoboam king of Judah, and they shall kill me, and go again to Rehoboam king of Judah. 28 Whereupon the king took counsel, and made two calves of gold, and said unto them, It is too much for you to go up to Jerusalem: behold thy gods, O Israel, which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt. 29 And he set the one in Bethel, and the other put he in Dan. 30 And this thing became a sin: for the people went to worship before the one, even unto Dan. 31 And he made an house of high places, and made priests of the lowest of the people, which were not of the sons of Levi. 32 And Jeroboam ordained a feast in the eighth month, on the fifteenth day of the month, like unto the feast that is in Judah, and he offered upon the altar. So did he in Bethel, sacrificing unto the calves that he had made: and he placed in Bethel the priests of the high places which he had made. 33 So he offered upon the altar which he had made in Bethel the fifteenth day of the eighth month, even in the month which he had devised of his own heart; and ordained a feast unto the children of Israel: and he offered upon the altar, and burnt incense.

To stop the Israelis to go to Judah to observe the feast, Jeroboam set up altar in Israel, and demanded a feast to be observed on the fifteen day of the eighth month. He has ignored God's commandment to observe the feast on Yom Kippur which is the tenth day of the seventh month. This is why I picked Yom Kippur as the day their iniquity began.
And by adding 430 years iniquity to Yom Kippur 929 BC, we come to Pentecost May 20 2029 as the end of their 430 years iniquity. Jesus shall return in the spring of 2029, to put an end to their iniquity.

There were no Israel and Judah before Solomon's death. Under David and Solomon, there was only one kingdom. But after Solomon's death in the summer of 929 BC, his kingdom was split into two, Israel and Judah. So the 430 years iniquity of Israel and Judah should begin in the summer of 929 BC, or to be more exact, it began on Yom Kippur 929 BC when Israelis under Jeroboam purposely ignored God's commandment to observe the feast on Yom Kippur.

We can also view the 430 years iniquity of Israel and Judah speaks of the ancient and modern day history of these two states, how they were formed, how they struggled with God and sinned against Him, how they individually come to their destruction in 722 BC and 586 BC, and how they came back as a nation in 1948, how they continue their sin against God by rejecting Jesus as their Messiah, and how will God deal with their iniquity by having His Son return to Jerusalem, and put an end to their iniquity once and for all.

Make my long story short, 430 years iniquity basically  speaks of the ancient and modern day history of Israel and Judah while they were/are a sovereign nation, up until Jesus returning to Jerusalem.

Based on Israel and Judah's iniquity finishes on Shavuot / Pentecost May 20 in 2029, I have found a 1335 days between Rosh Hashana 2025 and Pentecost 2029. Is this coincidence? I don't think so.

Rosh Hashana Sept 23 2025 ------- 1335 days ------- Shavuot/Pentecost May 20 2029

This could be the 1335 days spoken by the angel Gabriel in Daniel 12, Shavuot May 20 2029 is the end of 1335 days, with Rosh Hashana Sept 23 2025 as the beginning of 1335 days. Rosh Hashana 2025 is also the beginning of 1290 days.

Rosh Hashana Sept 23 2025, Daily sacrifice is taken away, AC places the abomination in the temple------ 1290 days -------- April 5 2029 End of 1290 days abomination, AC and the false prophet are thrown into the lake of fire ------ 45 days ------ Shavuot / Pentecost May 20 2029, End of 1335 days, Blessed is he (the Jews) who comes to this day, because God has forgiven their iniquity on this day.

I still believe Marriage Supper of the Lamb shall be held on a future Passover which is Nisan 14. And in this timeline, the Marriage Supper is held on Nisan 14 March 30 2029. Immediately after this Marriage Supper of the Lamb in heaven, on Nisan 15 March 31 2029, Jesus returns with us to earth. First he captures the beast / Antichrist and the false prophet, throws them into the lake of fire. Because 1290 days of abomination ends on April 5, April 5 is also the final day of Antichrist on this earth. Jesus shall throw him and the false prophet into the lake of fire on April 5 2029, 5 days after he returns to earth on March 31.

From Daniel 2300 days, we are told after these 2300 days, sanctuary shall be cleansed, and Holy is restored. Sanctuary can only be cleansed, and Holy can only be restored after AC is gone, and thrown into the lake of fire. It means the end of 2300 days also coincides with the end of 1290 days, when AC is thrown into the lake of fire. End of 1290 days occurs on April 5 2029. Subtract 2300 days from April 5 2029, we come to December 18 2022 as the beginning of 2300 days.

December 18 2022 happens to be Hanukkah Kislev 24 in Jewish calendar. Since 2300 days speaks of the fate of the daily sacrifice once it is re-instituted, the Jews shall re-institute and restore their daily sacrifice on Hanukkah Kislev 24 December 18 2022.

Hanukkah Kislev 24 / Dec 18 2022, Reinstitution of daily sacrifice --------2300 days ------- April 5 2029 End of 2300 days, Sanctuary is finally cleansed, Holy is restored on this day, because AC and the false prophet are thrown into the lake of fire on this day. They cannot desecrate the temple anymore.

As we can see, this timeline encompass all the feasts of Israel. They are Hanukkah 2022 ( Reinstitution of the daily sacrifice ), Rosh Hashana the Fall Feast 2025 ( Tragedy shall befall on Israel during this Fall Feast) , Passover and Unleavened Bread 2029 ( Jesus returns to earth ), and Shavuot/Pentecost 2029 ( End of tribulation, End of 430 years iniquity of Israel and Judah ).

Besides 430 years iniquity ends on Pentecost May 20 2029 ,  2029 also contains the element of Jesus returning to earth. I have mentioned this criteria before. It has something to do with Daniel's 7 weeks prophecy. 7 weeks is also understood as 49 days, the 49 days to build the streets and the walls of Jerusalem in troublous times. Daniel's 7 weeks shall begin after Jesus returns to Jerusalem, and gives forth the commandment to build and restore Jerusalem.  2028, 2027, 2026, 2025, 2024, 2023, they all don't qualify for second coming based on this criteria. Only 2029 does. Here we go.

Three criteria to determine the year Jesus returning to earth.

Criteria one. Based on Marriage Supper of the Lamb, Jesus shall return to earth on Unleavened Bread, a day after Passover. There are many noble titles of Jesus Christ. He is King of kings, Lord of Lords. He is Emmanuel, Wonderful,  Counseller, Alpha and Omega. When he hosts the Marriage Supper in heaven,  why would he use  the Lamb title instead of the Lord title? He could have called it Marriage Supper of the Lord. I think the reason is simple. The lamb is remembered during the Passover.  He wants us to know that Marriage Supper of the Lamb shall be held in Passover where the lamb is remembered. And since he returns to earth right after the supper, his return to earth shall be on Unleavened Bread Nisan 15.

Second criteria. Daniel's seven week prophecy hasn't been fulfilled yet. The command to build the streets and walls of Jerusalem was given forth on Nisan 1 March 15 445 BC. When we add 7 weeks or 17640 days to March 15 445 BC, we come to July 1 397 BC. There is no historical and biblical record that points to reconstruction of Jerusalem was completed on this day. Plus there was no troublous time during those days. Even if 7 weeks prophecy is not given, it doesn't affect the 69 weeks which was ended on Palm Sunday 32 AD. We don't need 7 weeks to tell us 69 weeks ended on Palm Sunday 32 AD. What is God's purpose of inserting 7 weeks into 70 weeks prophecy? The reason is simple. He wants us to know that Jesus shall fulfill this 7 weeks prophecy. A week is also understood as 7 days.  Seven weeks is seven "seven days" or simply 49 days. On the day Jesus returns to Jerusalem, a commandment will be given forth in that day, to build the streets and the walls of Jerusalem, even in troublous time. At the end of 49 days, the  restoration of Jerusalem is complete. Also, there are two feasts being separated by 49 days. They are Unleavened Bread Nisan 15 and Shavuot/Pentecost. Since Jesus returns right after Passover, on Unleavened Bread, 49 days later , it arrives at Shavuot / Pentecost. There will be an offering held on this day.  Seven weeks prophecy also give us a clue that Jesus "shall return on Unleavened Bread", and 49 days later, restoration and rebuilding of Jerusalem is complete on the evening of Shavuot / Pentecost, because there are no other feasts that are separated by 49 days, except Unleavened Bread and Shavuot.

Criteria 3. The correct counting of Shavuot Pentecost. Sadducees uses the correct counting, not Pharisees. They pick Saturday as the Sabbath, not Nisan 15 by Pharisees, and count the morrow after Sabbath as First Fruit. This is why First Fruit always falls on Sunday. God commands to count seven sabbaths (which are seven Saturday) from First Fruit, and the morrow after the seventh sabbath is Pentecost/Shavuot. This is why Shavuot Pentecost always falls on Sunday. 

With these three criterias, let's look at the year 2028.
Unleavened Bread Nisan 15 falls on April 11. Jesus returns on this day. Shavuot Pentecost falls on June 4 Sunday. Shavuot begins on sunset June 3. Between April 11 and sunset June 3, there are 53 days, not the 49 days we find in the seven weeks prophecy. God doesn't say it takes Jesus 53 days to build the street and walls of Jerusalem. God only says it takes 49 days to complete building the streets and walls of Jerusalem. So 2028 doesn't fit the criteria for Jesus to return in that year. Let's look at 2029.

Unleavened Bread falls on March 31. Jesus returns on March 31. A commandment is given forth on March 31 to build the streets and walls of Jerusalem. Shavuot Pentecost falls on May 20 Sunday. But according to Jewish calendar, Shavuot Pentecost begins on sunset May 19. Between March 31 and May 19, there are 49 days, the 49 days in the seven weeks prophecy. Jesus fulfills the seven weeks prophecy. An offering shall be held on evening May 19, Jesus is the High Priest, with remnant of Israel and gentiles believers as the two loaves of bread. God forgives the iniquity of Israel and Judah on this day. This wraps up the 7 years tribulation.

My conclusion. When we pick a year for Jesus returning to Jerusalem, there has to be a 49 days separating Nisan 15  unleavened bread and Shavuot in order to fulfill the seven weeks prophecy. 2028, 2027, 2026, 2025, 2024, 2023 all fail.  Only 2029, 2032 pass. But let's stay focus on 2029 first.

Daniel 9:25 Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times.

This is Daniel's 7 weeks prophecy in brief:

"Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem , shall be seven weeks,  the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times."

Daniel's seven weeks prophecy speaks of the 49 days separating Nisan 15 Unleavened Bread and Shavuot/Pentecost, because out of the seven feasts of the Lord, it is only Unleavened Bread and Shavuot are separated for 49 days.

Jesus shall return on Nisan 15 Unleavened Bread. A commandment is given forth on this day, to build the streets and the walls of Jerusalem, even in their troublous time. By the time Shavuot/Pentecost arrives, restoration of Israel and rebuilding Jerusalem is complete. Jesus has fulfilled the seven weeks prophecy God gives him. 

Having said this, I am very confident that Jesus shall return to Jerusalem on Nisan 15, to fulfill the seven weeks prophecy. 
Concerning the year, I am highly confident is 2029, by the reasons I have given so far.

If Nisan 15 falls on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, during the Passover week, then the seven weeks prophecy and 49 days will be off between 1 to few days. It's because Nisan 15 has to fall on Saturday in order for these 49 days separating Nisan 15 Unleavened Bread and Shavuot/Pentecost to work. This is also the pattern in 32 AD when Jesus died in that year.

In 2023, Nisan 15 falls on Thursday April 6 , Shavuot falls on May 28. Between April 6 and sunset May 27, there are 51 days, this is why it fails to be the year Jesus returning to earth.

In 2024, Nisan 15 falls on April 23 Tuesday, while Shavuot falls on June 16. Between April 23 and sunset June 15, there are 54 days, this is why it fails to be the year Jesus returning to earth.

In 2025, Nisan 15 falls on April 13 Sunday, while Shavuot on June 8. Between April 13 and sunset June 7, there are 55 days, this is why 2025 fails as the year Jesus returning to earth.

In 2026, Nisan 15 falls on April 2 Thursday, while Shavuot on May 24. Between April 2 and sunset May 23, there are 51 days, this is why 2026 fails as the year Jesus returning to earth.

In 2027, Nisan 15 falls on April 22 Thursday, while Shavuot on June 13. Between April 22 and sunset June 12, there are 51 days. This is why 2027 fails to be the year Jesus returning to earth.

In 2028, Nisan 15 falls on April 11 Tuesday, while Shavuot on June 4. Between April 11 and sunset June 3, there are 53 days. This is why 2028 fails to be the year Jesus returning to earth.

In 2029, Nisan 15 falls on March 31 Saturday, while Shavuot on May 20. Between March 31 and sunset May 19, there are 49 days. Bingo. It fits the 7 weeks prophecy which consists of 49 days separating Unleavened Bread and Shavuot/Pentecost. This should be the year Jesus returning to Jerusalem.

Now we should know the purpose of why God inserts a seven weeks prophecy into Daniel's 70 weeks prophecy. This seven weeks prophecy involves two very important days. They are Nisan 15 Unleavened Bread and Shavuot/Pentecost.
Jesus is returning to Jerusalem on Nisan 15 Unleavened Bread, after he celebrates the Marriage Supper of the Lamb in heaven with us on Passover Nisan 14. He calls it Marriage Supper of the Lamb because it is during Passover where the Lamb is remembered.  Immediately after this Marriage Supper, he returns to Jerusalem with us on Nisan 15 Unleavened Bread. 

A commandment is given forth on Nisan 15, to build the streets and the walls of Jerusalem. After seven weeks / 49 days, on Shavuot/Pentecost, restoration of Jerusalem and Israel is complete. An offering shall be held on this day. Jesus is the High Priest, with remnant of Israel and gentiles believers as the two loaves of bread. Blessed is he who comes to this day. Isaiah has also mentioned this offering in Isaiah 66:20. This is also the end of 1335 days. God shall forgive the iniquity of Israel and Judah on this day.

From my calculation of 430 years iniquity of Israel and Judah, I have the iniquity begin on Yom Kippur 929 BC, and ends on Shavuot/Pentecost May 20 2029. This timeline coincides with Seven Weeks prophecy. They both are ended on Shavuot/Pentecost. Coincidence? I don't think so.

Hallelujah!!! All glory to God the Father, Jesus the Son, and Holy Spirit!!! Amen.

I have also discovered a 1335 days between Rosh Hashana September 23 2025 and Shavuot/Pentecost May 20 2029.

Rosh Hashana Sept 23 2025 ------ 1335 days -------- Shavuot/Pentecost May 20 2029

Tragedy shall befall on Israel on Rosh Hashana 2025. Antichrist shall break the covenant, sits in God's temple, and vows that he is God. He also takes away the daily sacrifice, and places the abomination in this day. This is the beginning of 1290 days abomination, and time of Jacob's trouble.

From Daniel 7 and 12, angel Gabriel told Daniel there will be time, times, and half time for Israel to endure, until they see their end of tragedy. Based on this timeline, tragedy occurs during the fall feast of Israel in 2025, then we have the illustration below;

time,   Fall feast of Israel in 2026, first year commemoration of the tragedy

times,  Fall feast of Israel in 2027, 2028, second and third year commemoration of the tragedy

half time,   Spring feast of Israel 2029. Jesus returns in Spring feast 2029 to put an end to the tragedy of Israel.

Let's look back to the last decade. The year which has 49 days separating Nisan 15 Unleavened Bread and Shavuot/Pentecost are :

2012, 2015, 2016, 2018, and 2019. 

They all fit the criteria set forth in Daniel's 7 weeks prophecy. But Jesus didn't return in those years. It is because the 430 years iniquity of Israel and Judah was still counting. They haven't come to their end yet. 

In this decade, there are only two years which has 49 days separating Nisan 15 Unleavened Bread and Shavuot/Pentecost. They are 2022 and 2029. 2022 is next year. And again, the 430 years iniquity of Israel and Judah is still moving forward. They haven't come to the end yet.
But 2029 is different. If Solomon did die in 929 BC, 2029 should be the year the 430 years iniquity is over. Jesus shall return in 2029 Nisan 15 Unleavened Bread to put an end to Israel and Judah iniquity. 

2032 is the next year which sees 49 days separating Nisan 15 Unleavened Bread and Shavuot/Pentecost. But let's focus on 2029 first.

Let's do a summary of my posts.

Solomon died in 929 BC. I have the 430 years iniquity of Israel and Judah begin on Yom Kippur in 929 BC, because Jeroboam have missed the offering on YK purposely. The 430 years iniquity of Israel and Judah began on YK Sept 27 929 BC, and ends on Shavuot/Pentecost May 20 2029. God shall forgive the iniquity of Israel and Judah on Shavuot/Pentecost May 20 2029.

Marriage Supper of the Lamb shall be held in heaven on a future Passover, because it is during Passover where the Lamb is remembered. Jesus chooses the title "Lamb" to host the supper because he wants us to know that the supper shall be held on Nisan 14 Passover by the Lamb. An example is Santa Claus. Since Santa Claus only appears once a year on Christmas day Dec 25, when we are invited to dinner with Santa Claus, we know the day of invitation is on Dec 25. Same logic applies to Supper with the Lamb. The Lamb only appears  on Nisan 14 Passover. When we are invited to dinner with the Lamb, we know that it is on Nisan 14 where the dinner shall be held. And since Jesus returns to earth right away after the supper, it places the second coming of Jesus Christ on Nisan 15 Unleavened Bread.

Daniel's seven weeks prophecy speaks of Jesus coming back on Nisan 15. A commandment is given forth on this day, to build the streets and the walls of Jerusalem, even in troublous times. 49 days later, on Shavuot/Pentecost, restoration of Israel and Jerusalem is complete. Daniel's seven weeks prophecy speaks of two important days. They are Nisan 15 Unleavened Bread and Shavuot/Pentecost, because they are the only two feasts that are separated for 49 days.

God called Abraham in 1959 BC. Abraham responded by departing Haran in 1959 BC. This is the beginning of old testament and Jewish' history. Jesus was crucified in 32 AD. It puts an end to old testament. 32 AD is the beginning of new testament. Between 1959 BC and 32 AD, there are 1990 years. If God calls the church home in 2022, then we have two equally period of old testament and new testament. They both are 1990 years.

1959 BC, Abraham departed Haran, beginning of old testament------ 1990 years ------ 32 AD Crucifixion , end of old testament, beginning of new testament ---------1990 years ------- 2022 AD, God calls the church home/Rapture, end of new testament, end of Age of Grace.

These period of 1990 years speaks of God's mercy and love on the Jews and the church are the same. Jews shouldn't be jealous of the church, and the church shouldn't be jealous of the Jews too, because God gave both of them a same period to repent, that is, 1990 years.

There are 1335 days between RH Sept 23 2025 and Shavuot/Pentecost May 20 2029 (May 20 2029 is also the end of 430 years iniquity of Israel and Judah). This 1335 days separating RH and Shavuot/Pentecost doesn't appear very often,. Between 2010 and 2032, the only time it appears is between RH 2025 and Shavuot/Pentecost 2029. This is a mid-trib timeline. It also gives us a hint that tribulation shall begin in 2022, and ends in 2029.

When we group all these together, what is the chance of these prophecies and old testament events are coming together, and gives us a timeline of 2022 to 2029, especially tribulation ends on May 20 2029? It takes a sun, earth, and moon planetary movement to have 1335 days separating RH 2025 and Shavuot/Pentecost 2029. And it has to happen and coincide with the end of 430 years iniquity of Israel and Judah which is May 20 2029.

Can a Mathematician calculate the odds of all these events and prophecies coming together and merge into a single day which is May 20 2029?
