Garry B (21 Nov 2021)
"REPLY TO: Donna Danna ( 14 Nov 2021 ) 1,260 days"


Hi Donna,


By using the future New Moon schedule , of time and dates over Jerusalem, you can readily see that THERE ARE ALWAYS  1,270 DAYS FROM THE NEW MOON OF NISAN 1,  OF ANY YEAR ,  TO THE NEW MOON  OF  TISHRI 1, FORTY-TWO LUNAR  MONTHS LATER.  When you subtract the first ten days of Nisan from  Nisan 1 through Nisan 10 from the 1,270 days you will always get 1, 260 days from Nisan 10 to Tishri 1,  three and  one-half years later , ie. 1,270 days  - 10 days = 1,260 days.



Blessings  to you !