Chance (28 Nov 2021)
"Here Comes The Super Super Variant"

Hello John and Doves,
No surprise here with yet another super variant on the world scene now.  Nu/Omicron.  It was 'Nu', now it's 'Omicron'. 
"The Omicron variant is notable for the sheer number of mutations in the spike protein of the virus....As of now, the data on the variant is very limited: we don't currently know how readily it spreads compared to other variants, nor do we understand the degree of protection against Omicron offered by vaccines or past infections."
Why Omicron quickly became a variant of concern | Ars Technica
The Delta variant had 9 changes in its spike protein.  Omicron has 30.  Mutations on the spike protein affect how easily it can infect human cells...among other things.  (It seems a bit odd to have 30 spike protein this does not appear to be random mutations over the whole viral genome.....)
News titles tell us how state and governments are reacting to this news:
New York Declares State Of Emergency To Hike Hospital Capacity Ahead Of Omicron Variant
The news has been confusing - as it was called 'Nu' for a while....
Officials at the WHO called the new variant Omicron because 'Nu' sounded too close to 'new'

"The Omicron variant of the coronavirus should technically be called the 'Nu' variant, as it is the next letter in the Greek alphabet after the previously named variant, 'Mu'.  But officials at the World Health Organization skipped 'Nu' because it sounded too much like 'new'.  They also skipped 'Xi' because it is a common last name...."  (Per the CCP controlled WHO.) 
Officials at the WHO called the new variant Omicron because 'Nu' sounded too close to 'new'
So Omicron it is.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!
And a 
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SMS Alert Text:
US & Canada to impose travel restrictions on at least seven Southern African countries in response to new COVID-19 variant. More via email.
Supplemental Info:

Preliminary info from the White House Press Office:
  • On the advice of the President's Chief Medical Advisor and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Administration will restrict travel from South Africa and seven other countries starting on Monday. These include Botswana, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Lesotho, Eswatini, Mozambique, and Malawi.

  • The policy was implemented out of an abundance of caution in light of a new COVID-19 variant circulating in Southern Africa. The WHO has now identified this as a variant of concern. Our scientists and public health officials are working quickly to learn more about this variant.

  • President Biden has promised to take every measure necessary to keep Americans safe and defeat the pandemic, and this was a step recommended by U.S. government medical experts and the COVID-19 Response Team.

  • The policy does not apply to American citizens and lawful permanent residents. As with all international travelers, they must still test negative prior to travel.

  • We are in close contact with the Southern African public health officials and working closely with them to understand more.

  • Approximately a dozen countries have taken similar action, including the UK and some countries in Europe.

  • Over the past 10 months, the United States has worked closely with Southern Africa and the other impacted nations to help them vaccinate their populations.

  • We have shipped over 275 million doses of safe and effective vaccines to 110 countries around the world. This includes 93.9 million for Africa alone, and 13.3 million to the restricted countries.

  • We've worked to boost vaccine manufacturing in South Africa, including investments to produce more than 500 million single-dose regimens in Africa for Africa.
Regarding Canada:
Starting today, all foreign nationals who have travelled through South Africa, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Lesotho and Eswatini or Mozambique in the last 14 days will be barred from entering Canada.
"US and Canada to impose travel restrictions on at least seven Southern African countries in response to new Covid-19 variant."