Chance (21 Nov 2021)
""How The World Will Be Saved""

Hello John and Doves,
Recently a friend sent me the following article.  Her comment was "Wow, REALLY good article."  I must respectfully disagree with her assessment of this article.  And I disagree with the author on many points.
"My heart goes out to all who are afraid during these times. Therefore I want to give a quick encouragement.

Please understand this is not the end of the world, but a very dearly needed rebirth of many good things in the earth.

Although we are seeing the rolling out of the insane plans of the most wicked entities in existence - both on earth as in the invisible realm - this is having a very different effect than they planned.

Recently I prayed for Australia... I feel for the people in that majestic continent, who are being imprisoned by criminals who have no conscience and morals. The answer I got surprised me. This is what I heard:


That puzzled me at first, because you would expect to hear: “Great deliverance will come TO Australia.” Instead I heard “... deliverance will come FROM Australia.”

When I started thinking about this, I realized that this is happening already. Because of the incredible tyranny in Australia, freedom fighters all across that continent are rising up to warn the rest of humanity. Many of the best videos and posts that are waking up the world, are coming from Australia, and they are going viral like crazy. Already a loud sound of truth, awakening and freedom is coming from this wonderful country.

What I want to show you, is this: whatever the powers of wickedness mean for evil, is always turned around for GOOD. Always. 

The more tyranny, the more freedom will come forth from that. We see that also in Russia. After this great nation suffered under communism for decades, now their president is a loud voice against it! In the video below you can hear Vladimir Putin take a very bold stand against everything the wicked are trying to do. He speaks against tyranny, corruption, perversion, communism, etc. in a truly heartfelt and passionate way.

The loudest voice for freedom in the world comes from the nation that used to be known for its tyranny.

In America we see the same, just as in the U.K. and Europe: innumerable people are standing up and saying loud ‘NO!’ against all these crimes. While the majority of us has never been interested or involved in politics or our communities, because we blindly and ignorantly thought we were being taken care of, now you see something happen that will change history profoundly: all over the world the good guys are starting to get involved in schools, local government, media, health care, etc.
I just had a phone call with a physician who is preparing to build a hospital for the people, by the people. That’s one example.

Dear freedom fighters: humanity needs this attack by the wicked. We desperately need to see this level of evil. For centuries it has operated under the surface, without any of us having a clue. But it has been enslaving humanity for as long as the world exists. Now the time has come for this worldwide network of evil to be exposed, judged and cast out.

This will not happen by some supernatural event where a divine superhero will come down and save us all. That wouldn’t help us. Read this again: that would not help us.

Think about this: does it help a child if the parents always do everything for it? Of course not. A child needs to grow up, learn to make the right choices, and become a mature, wise, pure and powerful individual who can build a life that will be a blessing for the world.

Our Maker is not interested in us sitting around, waiting for him to fix everything for us. That leaves us like little children, who are not able to do anything.

If the bad guys are taken out by a higher power, without the good people learning anything, other bad guys will simply replace them and nothing changes. Because then we haven’t learned a thing.

WE have to change.
WE have to rise.
WE have to take the reigns in our hands.
WE have to learn truth and become wise."  (end of article)

Just a few thoughts on why I disagree with what this author has written:
I understand the frustration in looking at what is going on.  I want to do something.  I want to fight this.  I want to go after these evil people.  I want to remove the evil people from power.  I want to take their power from them!  I want America free of this tyranny!  I want...I want!
I know that God didn't hand the Hebrew people the land He promised them without them working and fighting and sacrificing for terms of Judah and Israel and The Promised Land.  But God was controlling the battles.  And when they did not give God the glory...all was lost.  When they did not repent of their sins, all was lost.  They knew that without God leading them, they were nothing.  Only when they turned to God did He bless them and they became a great people.
God has blessed America.  We were great because of His blessing.  Because we gave God the glory.  A few years ago, President Obama said America was no longer a Christian nation.  That made me angry.  I knew he was wrong.  But when I started looking at the stats of how churches were failing in America.  How church doors were closing.  How church attendance was dropping.  How atheism, satanism were growing.  How mega churches were preaching prosperity and humanism and leaving God out.  And then I saw churches opening their doors to homosexuality and transgenderism, and condoning abortions, and supporting multiple genders and gay marriage.... It made me even angrier.  My country was falling away from God and His teachings.  America IS no longer a Christian nation.
America is turning her back to God.  And many were shaking their fists in His face!
But if one doesn't have God in the equation, nothing good will come of anything man does.  And this article doesn't include God - it's about mankind exposing the evil, judging it and casting it out
Sounds a lot like Humanism.  Does the author not realize that God is the only one that can expose, judge and cast out evil?
"If the bad guys are taken out by a higher power....other bad guys will simply replace them and nothing changes."  So exactly how does man replacing the bad guys not result in other bad guys simply replacing them?
God puts men in power...not men.
"This will not happen by "some divine superhero."   I don't think I'd refer to God as "some divine superhero".  And this author will be shocked when the supernatural events begin.
Don't know exactly who this author is praying we already know "how the world will be saved" and it won't be by Australia or anything man does.
Note the emphasis on man in this article:  "We have to change.  We have to rise. We have to take the reigns in our hands.  We have to learn truth and become wise."
No, WE don't.  Jesus is the Truth and the Light.  We have to get behind God.  Simple as that.
This is not about US.  This is about good vs evil.  God vs satan.  Until people realize that we are fighting against the greatest evil the world have ever known...until we realize man cannot stand up or rise up or fight this without God....this is God's fight.  We bow to Him.  We serve Him.  We do His will.
This is what got us in trouble in the first place...trying to do this on our own...without God.
IF we could possibly 'save the world', which we absolutely can not, no glory will be given to God, but to man.  Everything is for the glory of God.  It can be no other way.
How does the author know "that this is not the end of the world"?  That answer is in God's hands.  Again, man is stepping is deciding how things are and will be.  The audacity of man astounds me.  
"It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God."  Hebrews 10:31
Man has forgotten this and turned away from God.  He is in control.  
I understand that people want to do something - to fight against what is happening...but my point is - this is not a battle we can win....IF WE DO NOT GET BEHIND GOD NOTHING WE DO WILL SUCCEED.  Nothing the Israelites every did without God resulted in good - it was all folly.
We pray for guidance, we pray for help from our enemies, we pray for God to protect us from evil. 
We pray to move the Hand of God!!
And we pray that His will be done.
People are leaving God out of too much that's going on.  He is in the middle of everything!
People have forgotten how to pray - to get down on their knees in sack cloth and ashes and pray for forgiveness and pray for help.  To pray as a nation.  This is what saved Nineveh!  Repent and change their evil ways.  Those who do not repent and turn to God will face His wrath...not ours.
The problem is, we have really screwed things up...because we didn't let God be in the middle of everything.  The Democrats voted God out of their platform...and have taken control of the country.  We can't make them put God back in their platform.  They have brought with them a rule without God.  This will not stand.  They are in His is a fearful thing.
A friend of mine wrote me recently:
"I think election fraud doesn't matter. It won't be fixed. I think the Republicans like it as much as the Democrats do. Trump, who is essentially an outsider, showed us normal people all about it, but the insiders run the process and will never give up control. 
We can hope the Trumplicans can take over the Republican party and then maybe they can fix it, but once they have power, power itself corrupts. 
We may be to the point where Jesus must rescue us. Maybe our once great country needs to fail so more in our nation will start praying again? People generally seek The Lord when disaster strikes."
How will the world be saved?  By men?!  We are but dust.  Man is NOT the answer.
"The foolishness of a man perverteth his way:  and his heart rages against the Lord."  Proverbs 19:3
This country needs to repent.  Will America repent like Nineveh?  Or is America's 'forty days' almost up?
What is happening in the world today should bring people to their knees....not their fists to the sky.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!