Steve W (8 Nov 2020)
"!!! TRUMP Sting Operation+TITANIC MICHIGAN Dream Prophecy !!!"

        Hello Five Doves.
                   On the night of 11/5/2020 I listened to a Mark Taylor video at this link.


         For those who don't know, Mark Taylor is one of GOD's prophets who was told by the
       LORD clear back in 2011 TRUMP would be President when no one even imagined he would
      run let alone win. Here in 2020 Mark not only believes the LORD has told him TRUMP will be
     re-elected , but that he will end up appointing a total of 5 Supreme Ct Justices. He already has 3
    so that means 2 more are coming in his 2nd term.

                       In his 11/5/2020 talk Mark says at about the 4to5 min mark he heard the
                                 LORD say concerning TRUMP "Watch the WATER".

        Not knowing exactly what that meant at the time Mark heard that, it has since been revealed thru
       Patriots Steve Pieczenik , Tony Shaffer, Eric Trump and others that the Dept of Homeland Security
     put WATERMARK encryption in each official Ballot to be able to track them with Blockchain technology
   and thereby be able to expose any fraudulent Ballots made without this encryption.
   Here are links that give testimony about all this...




     In the X22report link here is an insightful assessment of how the TRUMP STING OPERATION is expected to play out
     in the coming days.

        "The people are meant to see the widespread fraud and corruption and we are maximizing eyes on the situation.
        Here's the proof. Notice FOX declared AZ for Biden very early while much more liberal stations like CNN did not.
        Both liberal and conservative media outlets are feeding fear to their base. This is Fear porn to maximize eyes on
        the situation. This is not an accident playing out this way because the people are about to be shown something BIG !
       Yes these early days after the Election have been painful for TRUMP supporters, but this delay in getting TRUMP
      ultimate victory is only going to make TRUMP and AMERICA stronger when he WINS ! What TRUMP has done with 
      this move is neutralize the ANTIFA and BLM rioters on standby while TRUMP gathers all the Fraud and Corruption evidence
     to submit to the courts ! Simultaneously TRUMP is exposing the liberal media bias and their Deep State control
      via disinformation and their attempt at this Election Coup detat !

       This grants time for the White Hats in the NSA and USA Military optics to reveal foreign interference ( Like China
       printing thousands of Fake Ballots ). It will be worth the wait !  Massive happenings are going to occur in the
       coming days and weeks. We need to make sure the maximum amount of Americans see all this and keep them
       engaged. That is one of the big objectives of this is to WAKE up AMERICANS to see the complicity of 
       deep state mainstream media in this Election corruption.

       What will happen in many of these battleground states is VOTES will need to be validated in a FULL AUDIT by court order.
        This is how you force the media to cover the issue when thousands and thousands of Ballots are proven to
         be fraudulent using the WATERMARK technology and other means.

        You have to get the millions of Americans to see the proof of fraud and corruption for their own eyes in
        order to get meaningful Election Laws changed, and go forward with a much better system in the future.
      So early the morning of 11/6/2020 I had a DREAM. I rarely ever remember my dreams,
      but this one was clear..... I was at the bottom of the ocean where the TITANIC sank. 
      I was just there going along observing all the rubble when all of a sudden I came upon a square iron plate.
      It had sand lightly covered over it , but I sensed there was something written on it, so I got closer and when
     I did there was like a current  that passed by that whisked the sand off the plate and I saw what was written.

                                                     It said "MICHIGAN" !!!!! 

       So when I woke up in the morning I looked up the etymology of the word MICHIGAN 
       and it means LARGE WATER !!!!!

        I believe this sequence of events and Dream could be foretelling MICHIGAN is going to be one of several
 key states in the coming days where TRUMP's WATERMARK STING OPERATION is going to play a big part 
    in exposing the Democratic corruption with fraudulent Ballots and cause the Democrats hopes of getting
     JOE BIDEN elected to come CRASHING DOWN just like like watching the sinking of the TITANIC !!!!!

        And the numbers in these prophetic timelines reveal more about this....

    add the letters A=1,B=2 etc                                               TRUMP vs BIDEN               
        in TITANIC = 76 <<<<             JOE BIDEN                             USA                          Steve W
             sank on               ^^                born on                            ELECTION         TITANIC >< MICHIGAN  
           4/15/1912              ^^            11/20/1942                           11/3/2020             Dream 11/6/2020
                  !................11176 days............!.............28473 days...........!         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
                                                                                 ^^^^^ a=1,b=2 >TITANIC = 76  >< 64 = MICHIGAN !!
                                                                                    ^^^^^                                ^^         ^^
                                                                                       28473    divided   by   76 = 374.64
                                                                      In the book of JUDGES verse number 374 is
                                               JUDGES 12:14 where it says "ABDON Judged ISRAEL for 8 years" !!!!!!!!
                     We've documented in a prior Five Doves article DONALD TRUMP age 74 at this time of the 2020 Election
                                                fits the prophetic typology of ABDON and as a result           ^
                                                                       is destined for re-election to be President for 8 years !!!!!!!!
                                         More about ABDON as DONALD TRUMP in this Five Doves article

God Bless
Steve W
comments welcome >

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