Paul N. F. (22 Nov 2020)


  By A. W. Tozer

Make you perfect in every good work to do his will, working
in you that which is well pleasing in his sight,
through Jesus Christ. . . .                   ~ ~ Hebrews 13:2.1

      There seems to be a great throng of professing
Christians in our churches today whose total and amazing
testimony sounds like this: "I am thankful for God's plan
in sending Christ to the cross to save me from hell."

     I am convinced that it is a cheap, low-grade and
misleading kind of Christianity that impels people to rise
and state: "Because of sin I was deeply in debt -- and God
sent His Son, who came and paid all my debts."

      Of course believing Christian men and women are
saved from the judgment of hell and it is a reality that Christ
our Redeemer has paid the whole slate of debt and sin that
was against us.  But what does God say about His purposes
in allowing Jesus to go to the cross and to the grave?  What
does God say about the meaning of death and resurrection
for the Christian believer?

     Surely we know the Bible well enough to be able to
answer that: God's highest purpose in the redemption of sinful
humanity was based in His hope that we would allow Him to
reproduce the likeness of Jesus Christ in our once-sinful lives!

     So, acknowledging this, we are able to humbly testify
with the Apostle Paul: "I have been crucified with Christ, and
the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the
Son of God!"


 Yours in Christ,
 Paul N. F.