Paul N. F. (1 Nov 2020)


                By A. W. Tozer  
Be thou an example . . . in word, in conversation,
       in charity,
in spirit, in faith, in purity. - 1 Timothy 4:12                                                                                 

             The Christian churches of our day have suffered a great
         loss in rejecting the example of good men, choosing
         instead the "celebrity of the hour" for their pattern.

             We must agree that it is altogether unlikely that we
         know who our "greatest" men are.

             One thing is sure, however - the greatest man alive
         today is the best man alive today. That is not open to

             Spiritual virtues run deep and silent. The holy and
         humble man will not advertise himself nor allow others to
         do it for him.

             The Christian who is zealous to promote the cause of
         Christ can begin by living in the power of God's Spirit,
         and so reproducing the life of Christ in the sight of men.
         In deep humility and without ostentation he can let his
         light shine.

            To sum it all up: the most effective argument for
         Christianity is still the good lives of those who profess it!

         Yours in Christ,
  Paul N. F.