Patty Hayes (1 Nov 2020)
"Open Letter to Governor Gavin Newsom as put on FB and direct to his office"

Open letter to Governor Gavin Newsom:
To: Governor Gavin Newsom
October 26,2020
My name is Patricia Hayes, and I am writing to you regarding a few important concerns regarding policies you have deemed necessary for Medical Staff and then regarding the amount of people permitted in homes.
First, by policies regarding people who seek medical help such as myself and experience most recent in ER at a local hospital, I was treated guilty before innocence. I went there as instructed by my Doctor to get to a local hospital thinking I was having a possible heart attack. I my breathing struggles for air was due to a possible cancer in the lung as having found a small nodule there and was growing. Rather than immediate response to either issue, I was deemed Covid-19 and little attention to my own and my doctor’s concern. I was left nearly unattended to, snuck in a side door to ER and with blood work, CT Scan and Chest X-ray but no doctor truly attended me keeping informed nor any nurse. I was whisked away to an enclosed place through a zipped-up tarp material, ceiling to floor and placed in a room in total isolation, no real furniture, just tv as if I were a prisoner held captive.
I had just a couple months prior tested negative for Covid-19 and knew I was not infected by the virus. I had no additional symptoms to indicate such, like cold like or flu like symptoms. I had no other issues, just breathing and for several years I have been diagnosed with asthmatic like conditions due to having pneumonia several years ago and take Albuterol when needed. No one communicated to me what was going on, why I was placed in a Covid-19 area and left there. I felt like a prisoner and was thinking of a way within a half hour or so to find my way out. There were no legal reasons for this kind of treatment. The dignity and respect to one’s person, their soul and peace of mind is stripped away.
How dare you or anyone insist treatment of any and all individuals as criminals, guilty before proven innocent. Fortunately, in a half hour or so, a nurse came in and said, “Oh, you are not a Covid-19 patient.” From there I was taken to Telemetry where I should have been from the get-go. Even if I had the virus, the lack of dignity and communication is deplorable and quite scary to any patient. Once place where I could receive the help needed, the rest of my time was good. But, sir, I could have died if left for a longer period untested for my lungs and heart as fluid was filling them up. Yet, it also is my concern you would have called me a Covid-19 death which would skew the true number of cases and death outcomes.
Second, we the people of the USA and in particular in California need to be honored and respected of our Constitutional rights and privileges. We are a peoples who should also be trusted to make decisions to protect ourselves, families, and friends especially in the seasons of celebrations and holidays. To regulate Thanksgiving without our consent, all the while allowing protestors to come and create damage and hostilities with no regulation is unconscionable. It is contrary to our decency, our right to gather. We know how to do this safely as we all do not want to be ill or transfer illness to one another. We have lived through other pandemics, wars, flu outbreaks and are still going strong. It is quite disrespectful to enact such policy when the many of us are watching you and feel you have a different standard of living and lifestyle choices practiced. Our eyes are all on you and we expect you and the “leadership” to act in kind to policies you place on us, the constituents of California. I therefore ask you to cease and desist this outright policy-making that is quite insulting to the trust of us who work hard, pay taxes, and behave legally and respectfully.
Thank you.