Jerry Taylor (22 Nov 2020)
"2020 to 2027 Tribulation"

Per this video, the X'ing out of the USA is in April 2024 , where the 2017 eclipse intersects with the 2024 = aligns with Tribulation midpoint.

Strongs 2020 = Deliverance

Also the Electoral College meets on Dec 14th 2020- rapture may well indeed occur before this, creating a national crisis and martial law, keeping the President in office. Think of an asteroid hit and flooding of the coasts, and a worldwide earthquake with the rapture. Think about this scenario! This is a once-in-a-lifetime critical convergence of events that we will never see again!

Revised FOT is the first week of December. The Israel calendar is off one month, and precession of equinoxes creates an additional one month off. It wasn't early October, it's early December! This may be it!