Jean Stepnoski (8 Nov 2020)
"40 Days: From Cheshvan 17 To Presidential Election Validation Day On 12-14-2020"


   There is a complete period of 40 Days from 11-3 to 4, Cheshvan 17, until sunset on 12-14-2020. Then will be 8 Days, a Days of Noah reference number, until the Feast of Micah on 12-21-2020. Why is 12-14 so important in many ways? Note the following: Solar Eclipse Day, 40 Months since the Great American Eclipse in 2017, Noah Day 40 when the rains ended, Kislev 27 during Hanukkah, 40 Days before Roe versus Wade Anniversary 48 on 1-22 to 23-2021. What else? What is complete as of sunset on 12-14-2020? On this day members of the Electoral College complete, validate, the election results for President of the United States of America!


   No matter how many states have recounted votes for President, all must be RESOLVED on 12-14-2020. VALIDATED. FINISHED. The Electoral College must do its job to declare, in finality, either Joe Biden or Donald Trump the next President of the United States of America. He will be sworn into office at noon Washington, D.C. time on 1-20-2021. That will be 38 days after 12-14-2020, 78 days from 11-3 to 4. Add 2 more days to get to the Eve of the Rowe versus Wade Anniversary 48 from 1-22 to 23-2021. There are 2 important back to back periods of 40 days ahead, begun on Cheshvan 17, 11-3 to 4 in 2020. We shall see…



With Love and Shalom,



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