James Brownlow (8 Nov 2020)
"US ELECTION -- Is President Trump Out ? Maybe Not...."

While it may appear to be over ... the US media has declared it so.... But , there are multiple reasons to think it may not be. 

First, Mr. Trump is a fighter who intends to win. There is substantial evidence of voting fraud and Mr Trump , a very smart man who stays two steps ahead of his opponents , knew fraud was coming. Mr Trump, the only President to face the Western Wall in Jerusalem and "pray" there....  he asked God for "wisdom". He said that was his prayer. Mr Trump has backbone. 

Secondly, the existing fraud is documented. Apparently,  President Trump claims it was. There were massive dumps of votes late at night without a single vote for Trump. 


Thirdly, if a massive vote fraud took place , there are two options. One is in the court system where the Supreme Court would seem to lean in President Trump's favor. The other option is that the US Electoral College determines and "elects" a president. The state electors to the college are selected by each state legislature. In this case, all of the "swing" states legislatures are controlled by Mr Trump's party , even though their state "apparently" voted for his opponent..... if that vote was based on fraud.... the electors.... selected by state legislators may still elect to cast votes for Mr Trump.... Electors vote as they wish, they can vote for anyone....... Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Georgia ....  All  have Republican legislatures who pick the electors who vote and elect.

Fourth and finally, Mr Trump would leave office or transition into another term on Jan 20th. If some unusual event disrupts a normal transition, only God may know what lies ahead. Noah's days were disruptive. So may be ours.