James Brownlow (1 Nov 2020)
"Forty Days and Forty Nights - Link fixed"

Noah's Flood began on the 17th of Cheshvan, which in 2020 is November 4th. The U.S. election concludes late on Nov. 3rd. Nov. 4th unveils  a "President elect" who is to be sworn in Jan. 20th. Gen 7:11. Forty days later in 2020 is December 14th, a significant day as we may shift from forty days to forty nights. Add another 40 days( the nights) takes us to January 23, 2021. "Forty" is used twice by Moses in describing Noah's "days". Forty days and forty nights.
 Now Moses himself went up Mt Sinai 7 times. In the Biblical text, twice Moses spent "forty days and forty nights"  on Mt Sinai. Exodus 24:18 ; Exodus 34:28.  Both Noah and Moses are connected to this phrase. On Moses last and final ascent, his 7th, he neither ate nor drank water for 40 days and 40 nights . Exodus 34:28. That is impossible to do and live.  Moses was, should have been, a dead man who was kept alive only by the power of the Lord. Just like us.

Moses then received the ten commandments and began his 7th and final descent  from Mt Sinai. His face was aglow and shown so brightly that when Aaron and Israel saw Moses they were afraid of him. Exodus 34:29

Moses is a type, a figure of the Messiah. Moses said the Lord would send a "prophet like unto me". Deut 18:15 , Acts 3:22 . This final descent is a figure of our rapture. It includes a doubled use of "forty".   See "Moses and the Messiah" by J.R. Church for the multitude of similarities between Moses and the Messiah. 

Here is a link to Noah's timeline pointing to Jan 23, 2021. Note also that Noah's 150 days of Gen. 7:24 will land on the last day of Passover 2021.

Link to the Great Sign of Rev. 12 pointing to Jan 23, 2021  

Link to Compendium of Rev 12 Great Sign. It is real.  

Link to the 7th King of Rev 17:10 who "continues a short space". A  likely reference to the 3 days between Jan 20 , inauguration day, and Jan 23, 2021.  This text (17:10) indicates the rapture can not take place until at least Jan 23, 2021. ( I think, explained here )

Link to-- Trump: God's Appointed President...the 7th king...lots of 7's

Final link to Carl Worline's comments describing the significance of "40" and the Great Sign.... Carl used a different measure of month but the idea seems so perfect and well said.