Gino (22 Nov 2020)
"RE: Patty Hayes: 11.15.20: update"

Dear Sister Patty, Your letters are most critical for the rest of us to be reading in these last days. You continue with faith and zeal, even though you are facing severe trials and tribulations from all sides. There is no sense of bitterness nor regret coming from what you write. If only the rest of us can even be a little like that, when our trials and tribulations come our way! It would be so tempting for me, if I suffered like you, to maybe question the LORD's plan for my life, or to complain, or perhaps to be bitter, or even to give up living for him. Thank you so much, for being willing to share your heart in the midst of the fire. May the LORD grant us some of the love for him that he has granted unto you, to love him in suffering. Although it is chilling and frightening to read about what is happening to you, it is at the same time encouraging. It seems that you have much in common with the saints that suffered in the church in Smyrna.