Gino (22 Nov 2020)
"RE: Fay: 11.15.20: TV7 Update"

	That is truly frightening!
If the muslims in France suddenly revolted, particularly from the ghetto slums they are forced to stay in, could the nation withstand that?
Could it possibly be a French Revolution 2.0?
What did it take for the Bolsheviks to take over Russia in 1917?
If France somehow went islamic, like shariah islamic, what would it take for the same to happen in Germany?
If that happened, how long could the other EU nations hold out?
If that was too far fetched to happen in France, some years back, and maybe still too difficult, today?
	how many years of higher birthrates in the muslim communities, and continued immigration,
	would it take to tip France islamic by an increased voting block, or sooner by force?
The one leg of the of the Roman empire had gone Islamic a millennium ago.
Will the other leg of  the Roman empire go islamic before Jesus returns?