Gerry Almond (8 Nov 2020)

November 7, 2020


There seems to be good and sufficient evidence for a November 11 rapture event. There are several things dominating the scene as of this time.

From the great sign of Revelation 12 on September 21, 2017 in Virgo as the start point of the 70th week of Daniel's prophecy, the count of 1,260 days comes to March 3, 2021. In Daniel, chapter 12, we find the additional days in the sequence by adding first 30 days, then 45 days, for a total front end count of 1,335 days. Therefore, 1,260 days plus 30 days counts to April 3, 2021 and 45 additional days bring the count to the date of May 17, 2021. This end date is the day that Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion became the first ruler of Israel in the year 1949, duly elected by the Knesset on May 14, 1949 exactly one year after the U. N. birth of Israel. Here is what Daniel said in chapter 12, verses 11 and 12: “And from the time that the daily sacrifice sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days. Blessed is he that waiteth and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days”. (KJV) The word “sacrifice” is not found in the text of the Scripture, but was placed there by the translators to clarify the text. The same is true of the phrase “there shall be”. This means that the daily could have been any important ritual or thing in Judaism rather than a sacrifice.

There remains exactly 1,260 days from May 17, 2021 to the end of the 70th week prophecy. During that time the antichrist will have rule over the world. From May 17, 2021 the world will be his until the end at Armageddon on October 28, 2024. This is the exact day in the year 2008 that Obama made his speech to millions in the world in anticipation of becoming the President of the United States of America, God''s Israel. This will make his reign exactly and to the day 16 years.

Further, since it is estimated that only 3% of Christendom will be rapture-ready, it follows that a great number will be left behind. In the Rapture Puzzle, Renee Moses noted that the days of purification of Mary after the birth of Jesus was 40 days for purification. That is almost 6 weeks. She notes that the Laodicea Church, the Church that is left behind may have just 40 days to remain for their own purification. They are charged with blindness, wretchedness, nakedness, poverty, and they are miserable. (Revelation 3:16ff).

There remains then, the need to explain the 150 days beginning immediately after the rapture. It is for torment as described in Revelation 9:5. This 150 days seems aimed at making the left behind ones know what a taste of hell might be like because they do not die. It should start as soon as the ready ones are taken, therefore if we know the start of this count, we would know the time of the rapture. Counting back from May 17, 2021, the latest it could be would be December 17, the Feast of Hanukkah. It is likely, in my opinion, that the count begins at the end of the 1,260 days plus 30 days. This would be 1,290 days and would start the back count on April 2/3, 2021 and it would count back to November 3/4, 2020 which was election day in America. Since then, in a sense, there has been great torment in the nation, especially conservative and Christian America.

Cheshvan is the second month and November 4, election counting day is the 17th day of Cheshvan. That is the day in pre-flood times that Noah entered the ark in anticipation of the great flood. In 7 days the rains came and lifted the ark above the waters, saving Noah and his family. As it was in Noah's day, the Bible says that it will also be in the days of the coming of the Son of man. The ark rested for 7 days after Noah entered it. He, Noah, was given a sign that began the 7 days. Methesaleh, his grandfather, being 969 years of age and the oldest human ever, died, and God gave Noah a week to mourn him. On November 3rd, voting day, Irwin Baxter, a long time prophecy preacher died. Perry Stone noted that he may be likened to Methusaleh in our day. In that case, a week after his death will be November 11.

November is very exciting as a day in history. It was on this day in 1620 that the Mayflower Compact was signed, beginning the new world. It will be exactly 400 years on November 11, 2020. The captivity of the Jews in Egypt was 400 years. From a post by a Christian who got a message that the rapture will come between voting day and Thanksgiving, as it was given her in dream, it makes November 11 a prime candidate.

With respect to that dream, I truly think the Philadephia Church needs to be taken. It is 3% of Christendom as a group and needs to be rescued from the coming strife. What happens in America will affect the entire world. Why? Because America was God's Israel but is now under God's judgment just like ancient Israel only more so, that is a double portion. God calls America “Babylon”, and her leading crime is the murder of those made in His image by abortion on demand, plus, of course, the martyrs. This crime is followed closely by sexual impurity such as LGBQT with the abomination of same sex marriage. Following comes idol worship and putting God out of both the government and education.

Further, November 11 is Armistice Day, when World War 1 ended. It ended on the 11th month, the 11th day of the month, and at 11 o'clock. Armistice Day is called Veterans Day now and is a holiday where flags are flown and parades are held. If the rapture comes on this day, if will fulfill Nicole Poon's prophetic cartoon drawing depicting destruction on a patriotic holiday in America.

Please pray with a all your might and without ceasing, because I believe our time is very short now.


Gerry Almond