Hi John and Doves,
In the link is a short catch-up from Israel's TV7. Very informative. Everything appears to be changing.
As I type, there is still no definitive winner of the USA Presidential election. We can see where the wind is blowing but who knows what's going to happen? Whatever the outcome - it's clear that our world is starting to unravel. There is so much confusion and uncertainty. Thank Almighty God for our faith - without which we would be like a rudderless boat on a stormy sea. This analogy reminded me of when our LORD Jesus calmed the storm in Luke 8: 22-25. I have linked Luke 8 below.
The Disciples were very afraid. They felt vulnerable and alone in the stormy sea as Jesus had fallen asleep. They woke LORD Jesus as they were not coping - panicking and frightened. The storm must have been extremely violent - rendering them helpless and very afraid of drowning. It's so telling that this was a vital teaching moment for the disciples. Jesus awoke and asked the disciples where their faith was. Jesus calmed the storm and the disciples were amazed. They were jaw-on-floor amazed. I have included the entire chapter of Luke 8 as it shows that it was Jesus, Himself, who told them to get into the boat in the first place. Jesus knew the storm would happen and what their reactions would be. Jesus used this to teach them that He is in control of EVERYTHING. No matter what the circumstances.
It is clear that we have been launched into very stormy seas right now. And we all need to hold on tight to our faith. Have confidence in the power of our prayers - even when we are in fear of drowning.
As an aside - it struck me that our LORD Jesus deliberately fell asleep so that his disciples were forced to wake Him. I am not inferring that our LORD is currently asleep! I am saying that our prayers have to get louder and more urgent. This world IS that rudderless boat and we need our LORD Jesus o come and rescue us.
Praying for the peace of Jerusalem and the soon return of our LORD Jesus.