Hi John and Doves,
It's Friday November 6th and the world is still waiting for the final USA election result. It is a pretty tense time - to put it mildly.
One thing we can know for sure - whatever happens is Almighty God's will. I can't help but feel that this is what the world gets (mayhem) when Israel is messed with. These Abraham Accords have brought utter chaos which will only get worse. We should have seen it coming. President Trump was blessed until he began messing with Israel. Moving the embassy to Jerusalem was a great thing. Making "peace treaties" between Israel and the Islamic world - not so great! Again - the Abraham Accords open up the Temple Mount to the entire Islamic world and do involve the dividing of the land. Whether Pres Trump is re-elected or if this world is saddled with a Biden debacle - doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things. Our hope is not in this world. This world is temporarily Satan's domain and we can expect to see all sorts of horrors coming upon our planet.
Covid-19 was allowed to envelop the world as a result of the "Deal of the Century" talk. Interesting to note that a plague was the final judgement of the 10 plagues of Egypt. We have entered perilous times. I believe that a major apostasy against Almighty God has happened with the Abraham Accords. I also believe that the man of sin is soon to be revealed. Which means the rapture is close.
The Bible code in the link is truly fascinating. The name of Obama has been featuring a lot in the codes recently. His name has been popping up in the media too. Obama has never truly gone away.