Reading the article and then looking at the map (scroll down to access the map) it suddenly occurred to me that so-called Neanderthals may have way more of a back story than we are led to believe. The map shows the Neanderthals occupying the land that Almighty God promised to the Jewish people !! The land of Canaan. The official story goes that humans were always engaged in warfare against the Neanderthals. Savage, brutal battles. The humans eventually wiped out the Neanderthals.
I haven't tried to research anything as yet as the info in the article is new. The Neanderthals may or may nor have been the giants described in the story of the spies in the Book of Numbers, chapter 13. See 2nd link. But, they were NOT human. They were almost ape-like creatures with prominent foreheads. They were very hairy and not that intelligent. One of the few things they had in common with humans is that they were bipedal. It sure sounds like a classic case of in-breeding between the fallen angels and humans. Their progenies progeny....perhaps? I know, from the Bible, that the first creatures born of this unholy coupling were called the Nephilim and they were mighty men of renown. Perhaps Neanderthals were the result of births that happened further down the line? Are these the much spoken of Amalekites ? There is so much more to this, which I am looking forward to researching.
Satan's seed? We know, from scripture, that this is still very much in existence. In whatever form it has taken now.