Fay (8 Nov 2020)
"Gino re the Medes"


Hi Gino, John and Doves,

Wow, Gino. You have lived such a rich life. I so wish you would share more about it. I had a weird dream about you - even though we have never met or communicated privately. I dreamt that you were ill and stuck in some kind of hostel with other sick men. You didn't write to Doves for a couple of weeks so I was very concerned. Thank God you are alive and well. In the dream, you needed food and supplies as the hostel had none. Everyone there (men) were all very thin and malnourished. I panicked and went in search of supplies. It was NOT a pleasant dream.

Obviously just a dream. Strange how the mind plays tricks. I probably need to get out more!! hahaha.

I have linked your post below. In the 2nd link, is a Wikipedia article about that part of the world and it's ancient history. It most certainly does fit in with the menacing role of Iran in the end times. Azerbaijan features very prominently. It all goes to show - if we don't know, or ignore history - we are doomed to repeat it.

I found your post rather haunting. The description of the women going about with handkerchiefs -pretending they had colds. Disguising the fact they were Muslim. Which got me thinking about their total commitment to their religion. Albeit a fake religion. You would think that the violence the radical Islamic religion demands would wake people up. I guess they are brainwashed from birth.

Which leads me - again - to where we were born. The era we are born into. There must be a reason...surely. A reason why were weren't born into the era of Nazi Germany. A reason why our souls were not born into Muslim families and countries. We have had the mind-blowing BLESSING of being born into Western families and countries with a majority Christian religion. There is a reason for everything.

