Fay (8 Nov 2020)
"To Be Honest - Nelson Walters"


To be honest - I did not watch this short YT clip all the way through. But, it's Nelson Walters and I trust him.

I know it's all Almighty God's will but it doesn't exempt us from mourning the passing of what once was. Before evil began it's earnest attack. I watched a YT clip about King Leopold of Belgium that sickened me. The insane abuse that took place in the Congo in the 1800's. We were never taught this history. Ever. It's all coming to the surface now. What struck me was the fact that King Leopold was a 1st cousin of Queen Victoria of England. The scary thing is that we all have to realise is that "they" are all related. It's a bloodline. Emulating the proven bloodline of Christ - the powers that be have their own, unbroken bloodline. They mucked it up by sordid interbreeding and ended up with ghastly things like haemophilia and hectic overbites. Such ignorance!

The title of the video clip from Nelson Walters is, "Why did God just allow the New World Order".

We have to be strong. The great tribulation is on our doorstep.
