Fay (8 Nov 2020)
"Be of Good Cheer.  We on the Home Stretch!"


Hi John and Doves,

Thus far, we are being informed of a Democratic win for the presidency of the USA. I understand this will have sent all our stomachs plummeting. But, this is from a human perspective. The reality is that our LORD is very, very, very near. This had to happen in order for prophecy to really begin.

We are now officially on the HOME STRETCH. HURRAH! Now - all we have to do is watch. It would not surprise me now, if Zero makes his slithery way back onto the international scene.

I was asked by a younger person why I was a supporter of Republican politics. Instead of getting into a long, drawn out discussion, I simply said, "Abortion". Look at the Dem abortion mill (it's a business, people !!!) I did not have to say anymore. This stunned them into silence. No need to elaborate.

We are on the HOME STRETCH now. Take heart.

Maranatha, LORD Jesus.