Fay (8 Nov 2020)
"Smelling a Rat - from Unexpected Places"


Hi John and Doves,

This whole election drama is being dragged out to the nth degree. I may be wrong, but I honestly don't think I am...this is deliberate. This is an operatic drama on steroids. Rumours are swirling about election fraud. There are video clips in abundance, proving the fraud. Is anyone doing anything about it? Ask yourselves - why is this being allowed? If POTUS is still currently in control of the country of the USA - how come this chaos is ensuing? How come this chaos has ensued throughout his presidency?

If the chaos is genuine (which it is not - in my opinion) then we can surely assume that POTUS has little control of foreign policy either. Come on - if the POTUS cannot control corruption in his own country - how on earth is it expected that he has control over anything else? Think about it logically - the CIA know everything. Don't tell me POTUS has no sway over the CIA and the military. President Trump would not have lasted 2 minutes if "they" didn't want him there. We have to stop being naïve and praying for Trump to "drain the swamp".

We are being fed a grand deception. The outcome of which is certain - according to the Bible. My heart goes out to all of mankind - not solely our Americans. We are all being fed a great big stinking lie.

How come Biden and son have not been arrested for the Ukraine rubbish? How come Obama and Hilary are still walking free after the Benghazi debacle? How come John Podesta and the pizzagate horror have simply just disappeared? So VERY many questions.

In the link is a small little example of the utter rubbish most people are swallowing.

Please know that I am not attempting to antagonise. I am simply saying we all need to look to LORD Jesus alone. This earth is under satanic control and we need to acknowledge that. Painting President Trump as a victim, is a classic case of "good cop, bad cop".

If President Trump is what he pertains to be - I would be behind him all the way. No question.
