Fay (22 Nov 2020)
"Nando - Plugged in Patriots"


Hi John, Doves and Nando,

Nando - thank you so much for this information. It is startling. It will make many people angry.... and hopeful. Hopeful that good will conquer evil on this earthly plain. In the form of our political, earthly leadership.

Please forgive me if I view this news as wishful thinking on behalf of those hoping that this earth is going to return to normal. I honestly believe we have stepped too far over the line. This line was crossed the minute Israel was coerced into peace treaties with Islam. While this is viewed as a good thing from an earthly perspective - it compromises Almighty God's orders to Israel regarding the Holy Land. It is not theirs to give away. The Holy Land does not belong to anybody else but God. Particularly Jerusalem. We have to hearken back to the story of the Exodus and God's stringent rules. That is where it all began. Stray from God's rules and evil will be allowed to attack. End of story.

We, who are covered by the redeeming blood of the Lamb, do not have a zillion rules to obey. But, we are expected to behave in a certain way. We are expected to know our Bible and what Almighty God desires. We are asked to be gentle but not stupid and to armour ourselves with knowledge.

The evil that has been allowed into this world is a result of messing with Israel. Whether the intentions of Pres. Trump were good or evil -matters not. Israel is NOT to be compromised. And, Israel has most certainly been compromised. Israel has accepted and flirted with a marriage with an evil, false religion. In fact - Israel has entered into an adulterous relationship with a loathsome foreign god.

Those who don't know their Bible, do not recognise the earth shattering repercussions that this will have. The fact that most don't recognise the ripples of the oncoming Armageddon, is astonishing. The beautiful land of America has entered into judgement - along with the rest of this world. I can't help but mourn. At the same time - I can't help but lift up my head... because our redemption is drawing nigh.

May Almighty God grant us all WISDOM. Knowledge and insight.
