Fay (22 Nov 2020)
"A Modern Fairy Tale!"


I recently watched a documentary about the lies, media manipulation and propaganda that surrounded the Russian revolution in 1917. Russian women actually began the revolution. These female factory workers ended up banging on the doors of the Russian army barracks and convinced the soldiers to stand down in the face of the protest, and not fire on the protestors. Lenin was safely tucked away in exile at the time. Long story short - the female led protest triumphed. Lenin slithered his way back to Russia and took control of the narrative. The initial (and original) Bolshevik Revolution (led by the women - Mothers of the sons and husbands who were being killed by the horrendous war) was discarded and the Lenin/Trotsky version was introduced. When Lenin died, Stalin literally employed the photoshopping skills of the time (they were not bad) to prove himself as the successor to Lenin. In truth - they loathed each other. An important painting of Lenin arriving back in Russia and stepping off the train to cheering (painted in) crowds was changed to have Stalin as the man directly behind him. Gob Smacking fake news...media manipulation.

*****Before I continue - please read the rest of this post with an open mind. I do NOT wish to alienate my fellow Christian watchmen. You are all I've got. Like-minded watchmen. I don't know what I would do without the Doves. If you disagree with me -please do it without venom or name-calling. I am open to any wisdom that my fellow Christians have regarding scripture and prophecy. A different take on how evil will behave etc. It's clear that we all need to think ahead.*****

This being the proof of media manipulation - as well as umpteen examples of Royalist stuff I have watched - we humans have always been manipulated into a fabricated paradigm. We are very trusting and assume that those in power (particularly those who profess to be Christian Bible believers) are good and have the welfare of the nation at heart. We trust that our political choices are "good" and have the blessing of God behind them. Now....please bear with me....

We live in an extremely technologically advanced world. Algorithms seem to be the go-to method of problem solving - as imperfect as they have proven to be. A few months ago - a computer beat the top grand chess master at the game. I haven't provided links as it's easy to access using a search term. This is interesting! Machines have triumphed over humans in the grand ole game of Chess. Hmmm.

If I were the devil - a great video by Paul Harvey - what strategy would I employ? I would treat the future like a chess board, of course. Except at this moment in time - we have advanced technology (as opposed to Paul Harvey's day) The algorithm, embedded in the machine, has beaten the human in the game of chess. Bummer !! Yet...this is not enough to truly win the game. The machine can feel no triumph of winning, or pain of losing. Therefore - the repercussions (of winning or losing) are variable Therefore - the devil has to study the other human factors. The emotional factors.

As a normal human being, I tend to route for the underdog. The person who is at a disadvantage and is being bullied. This situation occurs in fairy tales from the days of Yore. In modern times - this strategy is employed, fantastically well, in reality shows etc. We tend to cheer for the underdog. In short - the tactic used here is EMPATHY. A very human trait.

Therefore - if I were the devil - I would exploit the human emotion of EMPATHY. The important human perspective of events. So - I would present myself as an underdog. Championing causes that appeal to decent humans (which the majority of us are - believe it or not) I would be a hapless hero... leaning head-long into the prevailing wind of media driven "common thought". I would champion the rights of Israel and place myself square against the United Nations and other anti-Israel players. I would loudly chaff against the dictatorial restrictions of the current Covid-19 orders. The masks...the vaccine etc. Using this tactic - I would garner the sympathy and support of humans. I would vow to "drain the swamp".

I would do fabulous things that would blow the world away. Like moving my embassy to Jerusalem and recognise Jerusalem as THE capital of Israel. I would then form peace treaties with the Muslim world - ostensibly to guarantee Israel's peace and security. Oops. Therein lies a major bump in the road of my (devil's) plan. Golly gee - doesn't the Bible tell us NOT to do this? Emphatically? This is a total NO-GO area. Yet...(we humans think) the act of recognising Israel - Jerusalem as the capital -peace treaties in abundance...surely this makes for good? Isn't the fact that this bullied, lambasted, underdog is also a champion of all things American- Apple- Pie also a great indicator of the purity of this poor, bullied underdog? Victim of the great and evil swamp? Come on, Doves... we are told to be as wise as serpents. If it is against God's word...it ain't good. Period.

Presently - the world has been presented with a huge conundrum. Has Joe Biden actually won the seat of POTUS? Against all odds? This pathetic, shadow of a man? This loathsome, aged creature who cannot even string a sentence together? (A leftie underdog type, perchance?) OR - is Pres Trump (against ALL odds) going to prove - beyond any doubt - that election fraud was rampant? Then step into the role of POTUS once more... a champion of the people. Above reproach. A hero. I have got to tell you, Doves. I don't know. But, I do know we are being PLAYED. We HAVE to remember that the devil has dominion over our world. Once we acknowledge that fact... IN FULL.... we can get past partisan politics and see the BIG picture.

We are in a situation which I liken to "Stockholm Syndrome"... yet not quite. A mixture between "good cop - bad cop meets Stockholm Syndrome". Where we are presented with future imprisonment - regardless of our choices - yet we choose the seemingly lesser evil. Which, is still evil! The end-game is the same. It....is ......evil. There are NO earthly "good sides". Whomever we choose - the end game is the conquering of Jerusalem. I recommend we all let go of the arguments involving politics and stick to what the Bible instructs. We all need to get with the real programme. Our hope is in our LORD Jesus, alone. We urgently need to follow the directives of scripture alone. The Bible is our Jumanji Book. To put it into secular terms.

Which brings me to the short YT video in the link. WHY is Turkey denigrating the (possible) future Biden administration? Erdogan's Turkey is renowned for zero freedom of the press. This is a propaganda video through and through. Otherwise it wouldn't have been allowed. This is FACT. Therefore - questions should be asked. WHY is Turkey producing propaganda against a possible Biden administration?
