As I sit here at 7.30pm on the night of Halloween, I still hope and pray for our LORD to come and take us away from all this UGH!
The weird thing is that I kind of know that the end is not yet. The final act has begun - no question. The facts are that this Covid-19 is not going away. The situation will escalate until the world's economy is kaput. The facts are that the money men ...the bankers desire to implode the economy. They desire total control. Entrepreneurs and small business owners are not welcome. As scripture tells us - ALL people, great and small, rich and poor, will be required to take the Mark of the Beast. This mark is not only required for buying and selling, but worship of the beast is also required.
We can clearly see the outcome of this Covid-19 debacle. It's happening. Take heart. Pray for courage.
I would like to take this opportunity to tell my American Christian watchmen that I am praying so very hard for you all this coming week. I know you are all bracing yourselves for violence, whatever the outcome. My heart and prayers are with you all.
May God Bless all of us.
Maranatha, LORD Jesus.