Elliot Hong (8 Nov 2020)
"High Alert for 11/9, 11/11 and 11/14"

Dear Doves:


Barbara of Godshealer7 received the message on 10/31 and I thought a hint was given.
"The destroyers hand comes once more"
"Your own destruction comes by your own hand"
These two sentences suggest that the second 911 False Flag event is coming.
And 11/9 can be read as 9/11.
It's 6999 days from 911 Terror to 11/9.
It's 7 days from the Election Day to 11/9.
It's 55 days from the Signing of the Abraham Accord to 11/9.
It's 1177 days from the Great American Solar Eclipse to 11/9.
It's 1144 days from the Rev.12 Sign to 11/9.


11/11 means Double Judgment.
According to the Calvin's post, the Northern Taurids meteor shower (fireballs) peaks on 11/11-11/12.
And the moon passes Venus, Spica, Mercury on 11/12-11/13.


11/14 is Cheshvan 27 which was the day when 8 people came out of the Ark as it's written in Genesis 8:14-17.
"God spoke to Noah to be fruitful and multiply on the earth"
8 means New Birth and New Beginning.
Thus Cheshvan 27 fits to the birth of the Remnant who will carry out the new assignments.
Also Rainbow represents Promise as it's written in Genesis 9:13.
"I have placed my bow in the clouds, and it will be a sign of the covenant between me and the earth"
The Scripture is filled with Promises, and the Promise of John 14:12 could fit to the Remnant and the Great Harvest.
"Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater
  things than these, because I am going to the Father"

Hopefully one of 3 dates could be for the Blessed Hope.