Doug L (22 Nov 2020)
"God can be trusted to keep His promise but we cannot. Do not "throw away" this (your) confident trust in the Lord."

When sins have been forgiven (by God through Christ Jesus) there is no need to offer any more sacrifices. (believers) This is the new life-giving way that Christ opened for means of His death for us.
Without wavering (changing allegiance.... believers) LET US "hold tightly" to the hope we say we have, for God can be trusted to keep His promise. (we cannot be trusted)

Because dear friends (BELIEVERS!).... IF WE DELIBERATELY CONTINUE SINNING (all sin is deliberate) AFTER WE HAVE RECEIVED...... a full knowledge of the truth (the hope we say we have in Christ) There is no other sacrifice that will cover "these sins" (the ones we say have been forgiven by Christ's blood once and for all) NOW - there will be "nothing left" to look forward to but the terrible expectation of God's judgment and the raging fire that will consume His enemies. (why?... because now you have become an enemy of the cross)
Such people have insulted (blasphemed) the Holy Spirit who brings God's mercy to.... "His people." We know the One who said, "I will take vengeance." I will repay "those" who deserve it.".....AND - He also said, (context) "The Lord will judge "His own people." So... do not forget (believers) those early days when YOU first learned (received a full knowledge of the truth) about Christ. (forgiven by His blood) "Remember" how you REMAINED FAITHFUL.... You "knew" that you had better things waiting for you in eternity.

(Now.... believers!) DO NOT..THROW AWAY your confident trust in the Lord - NO MATTER what happens. Remember the great reward it brings you. Patient endurance (he who endures to the end will be saved) is what you need now, so you will "continue" to do...God's will. THEN...... (only then) you will receive ALL that He has promised. (because God can be trusted - not you - you still have free will and can miss the mark)

A "righteous person" (who has the righteousness of Christ) will live by......FAITH. (not their own understanding) BUT..."I will have "no pleasure" (no glorious fellowship, re-union) in ANYONE who turns away." (throws away,....must be in Christ first - to turn away) (Hebrews 10)