Denis Hart (22 Nov 2020)
"The 400th Thanksgiving - in 2020 – a Year like No Other!!"

The 400th Thanksgiving - in 2020 – a Year like No Other!!

The view from Australia!  The main impact of Thanksgiving in Australia are the Black Friday retail sales.  I am not an expert on the history of the United States, and also recognise that there are sometimes questions and differences about historical events.  Nevertheless, there are two important dates. 

Arrival of the Pilgrims on 11 November 1620

First, when you Google when did the pilgrims arrive in America, the date comes up as 11 November 1620 or 400 years ago!!  Just 8 days after the 2020 US election.  There is a project called Mayflower 400 UK  that highlights this and will do so through the next year.

In my letter to Five Doves on 8 November 2020,  An (Australian) Timeline to Revival? (first paragraph below), I noted that I was drawn to 11.11.  I was unaware of the Pilgrims arriving on 11 November 1620 .  So 11 November 2020 may be an important threshold!

An (Australian) Timeline to Revival?

  • For some time I have been drawn to 11.11This 11 November seems especially important:  11.11.2020 (1+1 = 2)0 and (1+1 = 2)0.  And coming at a time of world crisis!!  A new beginning?  Heralding the Day of the Lord?  102 years from the Armistice on 11 November 1918.

The 400th Thanksgiving

The first Thanksgiving in America, celebrated by settlers and North American Indians, took place in November 1621 and marked the first successful corn crop (first fruits in the New Land).  On Thursday 26 November 2020, will be 399 years from the first Thanksgiving, but the 400th Thanksgiving, and will herald the 400th year.  This could be the time to reflect on the Spirit’s words to the Church at Ephesus in Revelation 2 (important just as much for Australia as for the US!!).

  • Nevertheless I have this against you, that you have left your first love. Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent and do the first works, or else I will come to you quickly and remove your lamp stand from its place—unless you repent.

Israel’s Exodus from Egypt – 430 years to the VERY DAY!!

Israel's time in Egypt appears to be split between 30 years of favour and 400 years of slavery.  What is clear (from Exodus12:40,41) is that Israel left Egypt (the World) after 430 years - to the VERY DAY!!!   

  • Now the time the Israelites dwelt in Egypt was 430 years. 41 At the end of the 430 years, even that very day, all the hosts of the Lord went out of Egypt.

Now, I do not know what these dates mean, but I know that we are living in a time when His Appearing is Imminent!!  There is a very day approaching for the Rapture of the Bride  (leaving the World).  This Thanksgiving like no other may be a strong sign that His Coming is very near!!

Maranatha!!  Denis in Canberra (a long way from the US!!)