Craig Opal (8 Nov 2020)
"Rapture Dates- 1/2 hour Silence in heaven- 2nd Coming 2028"


Doves, The hour is late as we all know. 

I have no problem with saying the second coming is in 2028, and perhaps even knowing the exact day of that year. In fact I’ve always thought that though none knows the exact day of the Rapture(more on why Jesus likely said that in a minute), that the physical second coming or second phase of his second coming could be known.

The fact that God puts a hook into the jaws of the antichrist and his mark of the beast followers, to fight against God himself at the valley of Megiddo(Armageddon), shows us that they will know the day themselves especially as it draws nearer. 

I’ve always wondered how they think they will be able to beat God, and it’s as simple as, because he gives the antichrist and false prophet temporarily power to do miracles, so they will think it will be enough to defeat God too, not knowing he is the one granting them that temporary power for his purposes. 

But on the silence in heaven for ½ hour. Scripture gives us a great clue. What do we know about the tribulation period? That it is approx. 7 years long. I think it’s a tad longer because of the demonic locust that get to sting and torment everyone on the earth for 5 months, but that’s not super important. 

In Revelation 3:10, which is an awesome proof of Rapture escape verse too, we are told Jesus will keep some of us, from the “hour of trial” that’s coming to test the whole earth. Obviously we know that this is the tribulation period. So half this time, would be approx. 3-½ years. That’s the silence Revelation 8:1 is talking about. Why silence for 3-½ years? Because of the destruction that will be wrought at the 6th seal. It will be so horrible with the world wide earthquake, the asteroids hitting everywhere and the Rapture all happening at once, it’s going to take a long, long time to semi recover from that. 

Lastly the reason I believe Jesus said no one can know the exact day of the Rapture is, because the entire earth takes 24 hours to revolve. So when it’s 6 PM EST wherever, it is the next day halfway around the world. So at any given time ie: it’s always the next day on the other side of the world. This is probably why Jesus said in some passages” “on that night” and in other passages he says “on that day”. Pretty cool when you think about it.  But we all know what's going on everywhere and the dreams people are having etc. are showing us he’s at the doorstep. If you are a ready Christian, it doesn’t matter when Jesus comes, other than we wanted him yesterday. 

God bless all of you.