Clay Cantrell (8 Nov 2020)
"Visions of a Future United States of America"

Readers - 

Here are the links to three visions of judgment coming to the USA. I realize that there are many readers of this site from all around the world, including it’s webmaster John Tng, but since the presidential elections took place this last week, all anxious eyes are on the United States. 

Politics will fail the USA as it will fail every other country on earth when a full accounting unto God is required. 

This material may be redundant, but maybe not: 

Daisy Osborn Deathbed Vision of Judgment coming to the USA.

Nita Johnson Open Vision of Judgment coming to the USA with map:

BG Ellis’ Five Doves Post re Burn Victim Comatose Vision of Judgment coming to the USA with maps:

God bless you as you prayerfully consider these matters. 

Jesus is Lord.