Chance (8 Nov 2020)
"Hold The Fort.  Toe The Line.  Fight."


Hello John and Doves,
I wanted to look more closely at Dana Coverstone's earthquake dream.
It's his Sept 14, 2020 dream:
(247) Dana Coverstone New Dream had not shared - YouTube
I sent info on this dream to Doves for today also:  "Dana Coverstone Dream:  Earthquake and Hold The Wall"
In this dream he sees Mount Rushmore.  And then he sees the face of George Washington and it speaks to him out loud and says:  "Hold the fort."  "Toe the line." "Fight."  *(note: I misspelled 'toe' in my other Doves letter and wrote 'tow')
I think it's fitting that of the 4 faces at Mount Rushmore, it's George Washington that speaks.  He is known as "The Father of his country."  He was "the general who led the colonies to independence from the rule of Great Britain.."  He was also the first President of the newly formed independent nation of the United States of America.  He was the Commander in Chief of the Continental Army. 
George Washington presided over the Constitutional Convention, serving as it's president.  He helped "ensure that good compromises were reached between differing sides and that the convention made good time in reaching a final draft of their Constitution....Washington's time in office as the first President of the United States led to the setting of multitude precedents to be followed not only by the future Presidents of the U.S., but also by other leaders in national politics....he stood for what is now considered to be truly "American".  Besides publicly displaying grace and humility in every position of power and influence that he held in the colonies, Washington also espoused the ideals of liberty, justice, freedom and individual dignity that are considered the foundation of the country of America."
Father of his Country Title
I also wanted to look at what the face of George Washington said - three idioms:
Hold the fort:  it means to maintain the proper functioning or order of some situation or place, typically during someone's absence.  Also, to maintain a secure position. "If you hold the fort for someone, you look after things for them while they are somewhere else."  "This expression has been traced to an order given by General William Tecumseh Sherman in 1864, which was repeated as "Hold the fort (against the enemy at Allatoona) at all costs, for I am coming."
Hold the fort - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
"Hold the fort and hold down the fort are variations of an idiom with its roots in the Middle Ages. It "began as a literal, military phrase, meaning to defend a fort while waiting for reinforcements or resupply."
Hold the fort and hold down the fort Idiom Definition – Grammarist
Toe the line:  it means to abide by the rules  This idiom refers to runners in a race placing their toes on the starting line and not moving until the starting signal.
Toe the line - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
One source of this phrase may have derived from the British House of Commons - to prevent members of opposing parties from attacking each other during heated debates, two parallel red lines are marked, two sword-lengths apart, on the floor of the house.  The MPs were to stay behind the lines when a speech was in progress.
'Toe the line' - meaning and origin.
Fight: it means to struggle to get through something or to return to some condition or some place.  As in:  "The political candidate will have to fight her way back to the top of the polls."
Fighting - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
'Fight' means to "use a lot of effort to defeat or achieve something, or to stop something happening.
FIGHT | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary
So, we are to 'hold the fort' - secure our position and wait for reinforcements.
'Toe the line" we are to abide by the rules and not attack those of the opposing party.
And 'fight' - prayer, fasting, seeking the Lord.
In light of the current situation/mess in America - maybe this is why Pastor Dana believed NOW was the time to release this dream, even though he had it back in September.
George Washington stood for liberty, justice, and freedom.  That's not what America will get under Biden/Harris, their Democrat agenda, and the Green New Deal. We will loose our freedoms, our liberties.  And there will be no justice - only anarcho-tyranny.
Anarcho-Tyranny describes a society that is simultaneous defined by chaos and repression.  The results of anarcho-tyranny is that government swells in power, criminals are not controlled, and law-abiding citizens wind up being repressed by the state and attacked by thugs."  The "government increasingly lets criminals and dependent elements dominate life while directing the heavy hand of the State onto people who are basically peaceful..That heavy hand is the increasing burden of the regulations progressives love."
Western Anarcho-Tyranny – WesternMan
The biggest thing going on now in America is the fraud in the election.  I have not seen any news reports in the dozens I have read about 'cheating' benefiting the Republicans/Trump.  All the 'problems' I have read about involve Biden getting votes, Trump loosing votes. 
We are trying to 'hold the Fort' - hang on to the America that we know and love.  While fighting against those who wish to change her forever.  I believe our reinforcements will be the angels that are sent to help fight the powers of darkness.  Our weapons are prayer, fasting, and seeking the face of the Lord.
The Republicans/Trump appear to be abiding by the rules and have kept 'their toes behind the starting line'.  We are not to attack anyone in the opposing party for their beliefs.
Pastor Dana tells us we can't be distracted.  We can't walk away.  We have to keep praying, fasting, and seeking the Lord.  Even when the election process ends, don't stop 'holding the wall'.  He thinks that's what Washington meant with "Hold the fort. Toe the line. And fight."  He says he is not going to lie down and be run over.  Stay braced.  Don't move from your place.  We are keeping a lot of things from happening in this country.  There is too much to pray about to let up, to step away.  So remain braced!
Psalm 91:
He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.
I will say to the Lord, "You are my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust."
Surely He will deliver you from the snare of the fowler, and from the deadly plague.
He will cover you with His feathers: under His wings you will find refuge;
His faithfulness is a shield and rampart.
You will not fear the terror of the night, nor the arrow that flies by day,
nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, not the calamity that destroys at noon.
Though a thousand may fall at your right hand, no harm will come near you.
You will only see it with your eyes and witness the punishment of the wicked.
Because you have made the Lord your dwelling - my refuge, the Most High -
no evil will befall you, no plague will approach your tent.
For He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways,
They will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.
You will tread on the lion and cobra; you will trample the young lion and serpent.
Because he loves Me, I will deliver him; because he knows My name, I will protect him.
When he calls out to Me, I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble.
I will deliver him and honor him.  With long life I will satisfy him and show him My salvation."
"Let the people praise thee, O God; let all the people praise you.  O Let the nations be glad and sing for you:  for Thou shalt judge the people righteously, and govern the nations upon earth."  Psalm 67: 3-4
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!