Hello John and Doves,Here is Dana Coverstone's new dream on Sept 14, 2020 about an earthquake - posted Nov 3, 2020https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3XOj51vm_0
(247) Dana Coverstone New Dream had not shared - YouTube
He saw 'shimmering' of the Great Lakes. The water went out of the Great Lakes, out on to the shore several hundred feet, and then splashed back in to the lakes- appears there had been an earthquake at a very great depth.At the same time the Rocky Mountains were trembling, and the entire coast of California was completely shaken and was 'shimmering'.Mass chaos mentality at work as it seemed a very, very big earthquake hit southern California.Then saw all five boroughs in New York (The Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, and Staten Island) with significant fires and the fires started in Manhattan.Clouds were churning mixed with fires, like boiling over - saw the clouds turn red and ashen and opened up and revealed Mount Rushmore...and the face of George Washington spoke out loud and said: "Hold the fort. Tow the line. Fight". The clouds then covered Mt. Rushmore.The sun came out, it started to rain.Then he saw the christ-type man walking along the National Mall - he spread out his arms and said "Now it's up to you, Church."He had another dream: lots of people holding up a wall with a lot of water behind it. People were bracing themselves against the wall holding the water back. He saw people starting to get distracted and leaving. Leaving less people to hold the wall. So others have to brace harder. Reminded him of the little boy with his finger in the hole in the wall of the dike.Hie interpretation: We've been holding the wall since September. We can't be distracted. We can't walk away. We have to keep praying and seeking the Lord. We can't step back from holding that wall in place. Even when the election process ends, don't stop holding the wall. He thinks that's what Washington meant with "Hold the fort. Tow the line and fight". He says he's not going to lie down and be run over. Stay braced. Don't move from your place. We are keeping a lot of things from happening in this country. Too much to pray about. We can't let up.Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!Maranatha!Chance