Chance (8 Nov 2020)
"Massive Fraud In 2020 Elections"


Hello John and Doves,
The amount of fraud, and all the different types of fraud going on with this election is just mind-boggling!  Every trick in the book is being used to get Biden in office.  There is so much coming out now, it's hard to keep up!
This should have been an easy process, but the Democrats are determined to not let President Trump get a second term.  After the Russian Collusion was exposed and the Ukraine impeachment never went further than the House, they are desperate.  
Here is a youtube interview of one of the most egregious attempts to usurp the election, imo.  Witnesses, one a former senator, discovered that the ballot tabulation machines in Michigan are connected to the internet!  This is illegal.
"Election Fraud:  Illegal Router Connecting Tabulation Machines To Internet Discovered in Michigan"
ELECTION FRAUD: Illegal Router Connecting Tabulation Machines To Internet Discovered In Michigan - YouTube
And now Supreme Court Justice Alito has put out an order, mandating in Pennsylvania that all ballots received after 8PM on election day be segregated and secured; "all such ballots, if counted, be counted separately".  There is a petition on the merits still pending before SCOTUS..  And Democrats are required to file a response by 2PM November 7.
"Justice Alito issues order pretaining to Pennsylvania vote counting" Nov 6,2020
Justice Alito issues order pertaining to Pennsylvania vote counting - YouTube
I am praying that the Lord exposes the corruption and deceit to the American people and the whole world.  
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!