Hello John and Doves,
COVID-19 was probably planned years ago - spurred along with all of the 'pandemic exercises' in recent years - "Scenarios" by the Rockefeller Foundation, "Event 201" Bill Gates, "Dark Winter" to name a few. THEY had and have their agenda all lined up. It has begun.This article tells us what has been going on and what the future may hold for the average American and the billionaires in America: https://bigleaguepolitics.com/j-p-morgan-confirms-that-another-covid-19-lockdown-would-further-enrich-the-globalist-elite/
J.P. Morgan Confirms That Another COVID-19 Lockdown Would Further Enrich the Globalist Elite - Big League PoliticsI wrote 'may' because God is in control.Now, it's out per JPMorgan, "COVID-19 lockdown policies help globalist elites and China-owned corporations amass more political and economic power." JP Morgan understands that the Federal Reserve and big government will bail them out when times get tough, but small businesses will die, and competition will be crushed.The wonks at Zerohedge offered the technical definition of this incredibly evil economic system that is emerging out of the pandemic." (see Zerohedge link below)This same article quotes research from the Institute for Policy Studies published on August 17, 2020 indicated that the dozen richest Americans now own more than $1 trillion in wealth. One analyst described this development as "a disturbing milestone in the U.S. history of concentrated wealth and power." Omar Ocampo, an analysts at the Institute for Policy Studies said, "The total wealth of the Oligarchic Dozen is greater than the GDP of Belgium and Austria combined. Meanwhile, tens of millions of Americans are unemployed or living paycheck to paycheck...IPS noted that the 12 leading American billionaires have witnessed their combined wealth increase by 40 percent - $283 billion - since the Wuhan virus outbreak, which has propelled policymakers to implement economically devastating shutdowns. "This is simply too much economic and political power in the hands of twelve people," Collins, director of IPS' Program on Inequality and the Common Good, declared in a statement."The article goes on, "If President Trump does not achieve absolute victory in Tuesday's election, the middle class will likely be wiped away for good with COVID mass hysteria as the excuse for this economic takeover."Zerohedge, mentioned above has their article "In Moment Of Brutal Honesty, JPMorgan Says Economic Disaster And More Lockdowns Will Be Great For Stocks". The article shows how it doesn't matter who is president in relation to the stock market. Why? "Because the more dysfuncitonal the presidency, and Congress, the more the Fed has to take matters into its own hands. In fact, it is this very logic that has allowed stocks to soar at all time highs even as the economy barely grew for the last decade and than cratered into the steepest contraction on record...JPMorgan published on Friday..."that The equity bull market should resume post US election." Why? For two simple reasons: i) a surge in debt will boost the stocks as it has for the past century, and ii) if it's bad the Fed will step in. In fact, the worse it gets the better it will be for stocks...that even another economic catastrophe such as a new round of lockdowns will be great for markets...." https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/moment-brutal-honesty-jpmorgan-says-economic-disaster-and-more-lockdowns-will-be-great
In Moment Of Brutal Honesty, JPMorgan Says Economic Disaster And More Lockdowns Will Be Great For Stocks | Zero Hedge
According to the Pew Research Center, using 2016 data, middle class America is just over 50 percent of the total U.S. population.So who are these billionaires? Jeff Bezos (CEO,founder, and president of Amazon); Bill Gates (co-founder of Microsoft); Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook chairman); Warren Buffet; Elon Musk (CEO of Tesla); Steve Balmer (business man/investor); Larry Ellison (co-founder of Oracle Corp.); Larry Page (co-founder of Google); Sergey Brin (co-founder of Google); Alice Walton (Walmart heiress); James Walton (Walmart heir); Samuel Walton (Walmart heir).So what about the China-owned corporations? "But China's aggressive takeover record of U.S. companies speaks for itself. The list of targets is long and not really random. According to Forturne magazine, technology tops it, including Ingram Micro, Motorola Mobility, and General Electric Appliances. That's leading some to believe that China's military, which has a track record of hacking, will use American companies as a window into U.S. markets - and the government. China also like America's lucrative agricultural market, and one of it's companies now owns Smithfield Foods." https://www.cbsnews.com/news/china-u-s-m-a-its-a-one-way-street/
U.S. businesses, now owned by China - CBS News
I am writing this letter on the evening of 11/3/2020 - the day of the election, not knowing if President Trump will achieve 'that absolute victory'. And we don't know for sure if that 'absolute victory' will be enough....If Biden wins - with his China connections/collusion/shady deals and numerous damning laptops - America will have a president who is owned by the Chinese Communist Party. And the World Health Organization is controlled by China - we remember how WHO praised the Chinese for the 'handling' of the COVID-19 pandemic, that China created in its Wuhan lab. So WHO is "completely unreliable." And Biden has said numerous times he will 'follow the science concerning the U.S. reaction to COVID-19 and shutdown the country - along with telling us we will wear masks all the time! https://thefederalist.com/2020/03/31/as-long-as-communist-china-controls-the-world-health-organization-its-completely-unreliable/
As Long As Communist China Controls The WHO, It's Unreliable
No matter who wins, COVID is still with us. The Great Reset is still with us. The evil globalist agenda is still in play. They want total control over the people. And COVID-19 is helping them reach their goals.We've been warned by the Prophets, and we can 'read' the signs. Surely the Rapture can't be far off now.God help us.Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!Maranatha!Chance