Hello John and Doves,
This article, "Global Elites Would Crush Us in the Great Reset", was published on October 31, 2020 at https://stream.org/global-elites-would-crush-us-in-the-great-reset/?fbclid=IwAR0otBneh6xUSDRAZwefpkb_f4DhtnJIvQjmKcoAn3mtBFaW-TK423wUsDs
Global Elites Would Crush Us in the Great Reset | The StreamThe author is John Zmirak.....he writes, " I fear that the most powerful people, groups, and institutions in the West have reached a tipping point. I think they have sold their souls, and frankly lost their minds...they propose nothing less than a wholesale revamping of human life on earth....A new and ugly ideology and method of government faces us. Its name is Anarcho-Tyranny. To punish its enemies, placate its friends, and pillage vast piles of wealth, this system lets rioters torch and loot entire cities. Police stand down, as if they didn't even exist, as if the city had no organized government....The police exist not to maintain order and protect individual rights, but to perpetuate disorder and keep the people helpless...If we vote wrong, we will be punished, and they'll use our own police to hold us down while the rioters rape our cities."People around the world should read this article.This letter won't be read until Sunday, 8 November, if we are still here and life hasn't gotten too bad for us...There are several articles on Doves this year that are about this Great Reset also.Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!Maranatha!ChancePS Add this to Archbishop Vigano's letter to President Trump, if you missed this - here's a link: "Eternal struggle between good and evil playing out right now."
Archbishop Viganò’s powerful letter to President Trump: Eternal struggle between good and evil playing out right now | Opinion | Lifesitenews