Chance (22 Nov 2020)
"Lin Wood - Election Fraud Lawyer/Christian"

Hello John and Doves,

In following up with information on Lin Woods, a very reputable and well-known attorney who has joined President Trump's election fraud team, I discovered that he is a Christian; and he believes in the Rapture, Tribulation and Armageddon.  And he has no problem talking about his Christian beliefs and End Times.
The following youtube is an interview he did and in it many topics are covered, from Kyle Rittenhouse, to Dominion Voting System (the vote counting machines) and Smartmatic (the vote-counting software), to the various aspects of the election fraud, to his End Times beliefs and what he thinks is coming to America.
Lin Wood said, "This country's going to be shocked when they find the truth about who's been occupying the Oval office for some periods of years. They're going to be shocked at the level of pedophilia.  They are going to be shocked at what I believe is going to be a revelation in terms of people who are engaged in satanic worship," he added"  "We are in the middle of a coup." 
He says he is trying to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ.  He gives God all the credit. He believes we will come out of this mess with a stronger faith in Christ.
Lots of interesting info given in the interview.
He has been telling us that people will be going to jail over this voter fraud.  "And when all is known I'm 100% confident that Donald Trump will be President of the United States for four more years.  And I'm just this confident that Joe Biden and the people like him that have been trying to steal the election and committed crimes for years they will all go to jail".
(264) BOMBSHELL VOTER FRAUD REVEALED!!! | Lin Wood Exposes Voter Fraud and Shares How Kyle Rittenhouse... - YouTube
Praying that God shines a light in the darkness.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!
(This seems to follow along with Dana Coverstone's dream about Joe Biden/Kamala Harris and the Conestoga wagon blowing up and the casket in the tundra.  Putting an end to their campaign/election claim.  We shall see.)