Hello John and Doves,President Trump's lawyers are still on the move....this isn't over. Too much is at stake."An election challenge lawsuit planned to be filed early this week is new and will be "shocking", according to President Donald Trump lawyer Jordan Sekulow..."We have got lawsuits likely to be filed in Georgia on either Monday or Tuesday; I can't tell you right now, but what's coming to Georgia will be shocking, when we file this in federal court Monday or Tuesday. It's nothing that we have talked about before. It's not what you have heard in the press conference either. This is something completely separate." https://www.newsmax.com/newsmax-tv/georgia-lawsuit-jordan-sekulow-constitution/2020/11/21/id/998154/#
Jordan Sekulow to Newsmax TV: Pending Georgia Lawsuit 'Shocking' | Newsmax.com
We certainly do need some good news about this election.And then Sidney Powell tweeted this interesting youtube video about Eric Coomer and Dominion: Dominion Eric Coomer Taped Saying to ANTIFA "Don't Worry Trump Won't Win We Fixed That" Nov 16, 2020.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAsOj34fMow&feature=emb_logoSo who is Eric Coomer? He's the Dominion Voting Systems Officer of Strategy and Security. Mr. Coomer has close ties to Antifa and the German Pirate Party-Antifa - this connects him to an 'international conspiracy to defraud the American public'. And there is so much more. https://opslens.com/eric-coomer-dominion-voting-ties-to-german-antifa-is-foreign-interference/
Eric Coomer Dominion Voting Ties To German Antifa Is Foreign InterferenceWho is Dominion? A voting system used in the U.S. for our 2020 election and other elections across the U.S. They provided the same machines that Democratic Senators Elizabeth Warren, Ron Wyden, and Amy Klobuchar filed a formal complaint on. Reporting that the machines were switching votes,and have vulnerabilities to outside influence and "threaten the integrity of our elections". https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/democratic-senators-warned-of-potential-vote-switching-by-dominion-voting-machines-prior-to-2020-election
Democratic senators warned of potential 'vote switching' by Dominion voting machines prior to 2020 electionPresident Trump's lawyers have their hands full with all of the allegations of fraud, the whistleblowers, the signed affidavits from hundreds of witnesses, missing ballots, too many ballots, changed ballots, and the Dominion voting system, Eric Coomer, and all of the ballot count cheating at the polling sites.There are very good lawyers on Trump's team: Sidney Powell, Lin Wood, Rudy Giuliani, Jordan Sekulow, and many others. They have proof of algorithms that were used to switch votes from Trump to Biden.In an interview, Sidney Powell said, "They had this all planned...They had the algorithms. They had the paper ballots waiting to be inserted if and when needed. And notably, President Trump's vote in the blue states went up enormously. That's when they had to stop the vote count. They have to go in and replace votes for Biden and take away Trump votes. I'll tell ya, if there's anything about election night that troubles me above all, it was the pausing of the vote counting in Milwaukee, Philadelphia, Detroit and Atlanta. I've never seen anything like that in my life. Never even heard of such a thing." Lin Wood said, " I have seen overwhelming evidence that massive fraud was in the computer voting system in addition to mail in ballots." https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/11/16/sidney-powell-lin-wood-promise-theres-ton-voter-fraud/
Nolte: Sidney Powell and Lin Wood Promise There's a Ton of Voter Fraud
The media is desperate for us to not have this information. The Democrats and RINOs are doing everything they can to discredit the president, condemn the recounts, lawsuits, election fraud claims. The depth and breadth of this election fraud is massive...internationally massive! It isn't just Democrats and RINOs in America fighting against Trump - it's the Chinese Communist Party and various organizations, governments, corporations around the world. So much is at stake in this election. President Trump is smack dab in the middle of if not stopping, then slowing down their Great Reset plans for America.https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/11/16/corporate-executives-plan-to-intervene-if-biden-is-not-inaugurated/
Fortune 500 CEOs Will Intervene if Biden Isn't Inaugurated by January 20
Even John Kerry is telling us we need the Great Reset! He attended a meeting with the World Economic Forum. The Great Reset is simply put - the New World Order we use to hear about.https://summit.news/2020/11/20/john-kerry-says-great-reset-is-needed-to-stop-rise-of-populism/
John Kerry Says Great Reset is Needed to Stop Rise of Populism – Summit News
These 'powerful elite' have their plans for the world - their One World Government and One World Leader. They don't know it, but they will have but a short time to bring in their Great Reset and bring the world to its knees and control mankind. Their plans will come to naught however, because God has His own reset coming!!! A much Greater Reset!"There have been a number of great resets in the Bible when conditions just simply deteriorated beyond remedy. The great Flood of Noah's day, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, deliverance of Israel from Egypt, the Babylonian captivity, and the reset from the Old Covenant age to the New Covenant age culminating in the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple in AD 70."https://www.yourbiblicalheritage.com/a-great-reset-is-coming.html
A Great Reset is Coming - Your Biblical Heritage
Satan is doing everything in his power to circumvent and stop God's plans. Through Satan's opposition, God's plans for mankind and the world will be fulfilled.Only through opening of people's eyes will they see the darkness and turn from it. Turning from Satan to God; turning from the path of destruction to inheritance of the Kingdom.It will take a miracle to sort it all out! And all will happen as God wills it.We have so many questions. Is Biden what God has planned for America? Does God still have need of Donald Trump? Has America been turned over to depravity for her sin? Will the fraud be uncovered and light shined on the darkness? Will that bring about the end of the Democrat Party? Has America been turned over to judgment?We don't have much time left. December 14th the electors cast their votes for the president. I suspect before then we will know the answer to some of our questions.Personally, I would much rather have Donald Trump as captain of the Titanic as we go down than Joe Biden and his cronies. We know judgment is coming. We know the Tribulation Period is coming. But when?The world is watching this election.And we'll be watching for the coming 'shocking' news for Georgia on Monday or Tuesday.Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!Maranatha!ChanceAlso: Right Side Broadcasting Network gets a big thumbs up for their truthful reporting. A Conservative network.Thousands of people took to the streets in Atlanta, Georgia for "Stop the Steal" rally. Noting Obama lost Georgia, yet Biden won Georgia - makes no sense. The election was stolen.\Meanwhile in Georgia, the "Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger certified election results Friday that formally declared President-elect Joe Biden as the winner in the state. Biden won the state by more than 12,000 votes. President Donald Trump's campaign is still entitled to request a recount, because of the narrowness of the result....State law now requires the governor's office to formalize the certification, which paves the way for the Trump campaign to peruse other legal options and a separate recount if they choose." https://www.politico.com/news/2020/11/20/georgia-biden-victory-election-438718
Georgia certifies Biden's win - POLITICO
President Trump has two business days to request a second recount. The first recount was done by hand, the second recount must be done by scanners that read and tally votes.