Hello John and Doves,For those interested in Dana Coverstone's dreams, here's one he had on November 9, 2020"The Lincoln Dream":https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_GB2dEHrHlo
(264) The Lincoln Dream - November 9, 2020 - YouTube
Pastor Dana believes most dreams are symbolic. He loves this country and these dreams are hard for him to see and share.This a basic description of this dream - much more at the link/video.He saw Abraham Lincoln at the Lincoln Memorial; he was standing up with his right hand held up and he was being addressed by Uncle Sam. On his granite seat was a stack of law books, the bottom book in the stack was a brown, leather Bible that was larger and thicker than the other law books. His top hat was on the top of the stack.Uncle Sam asked Lincoln 'If he would tell the truth, the whole truth so help him God?'. Lincoln replied, 'That is all you will get from me on this day.' Uncle Sam walked to a platform and then said to Lincoln, 'I am sorry'. Then a voice from the watching crowd shouted, 'Get it over with already!'There were marks of assault on Lincoln's face, plus other bandaged injuries...Uncle Sam cleared his throat three times and then said "Hear ye, hear ye, the accused before you is here to admit his crimes publicly, and will do so voluntarily. How do you plead, Mr. Lincoln." Lincoln replied, 'I won't.' He repeated, 'I won't.' Uncle Sam said, 'Mr. Lincoln, you must make a plea'. Lincoln replied, 'Well, then give me a trial by jury after I do.' The crowd watching was aggressive, mean spirited, held signs, and held torches. The crowd consisted of federal, elected and appointed officials, governors, and judges in their robes. Then Uncle Sam walked up to Lincoln and whispered to him as tears ran down his cheeks and he chocked backed a sob and said, 'Mr. Lincoln, you have been found guilty by those in power and are sentenced to death by hanging for it'. President Lincoln replied, 'As the former president of this Union, I deserve to know what I'm accused of to begin with. I am an attorney and I know what the law says.' Uncle Sam said clearly, precisely and with great struggle, 'We do not recognize the law of man or of God and simply find you worthy of death. Your time is over and a new dawn awaits those who dwell on this earth.'The men from the crowd put a noose around Lincoln's neck. They had Uncle Sam hold the end of the rope, he wept and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. President.' He was then beat by the men, who told Uncle Sam - 'You address him as Mr. Lincoln, nothing more.' He said, 'You can hang me next for what you've allowed me to do to my conscience'. He started pulling on the rope. Lincoln reached back and tried to grab his Bible - pushing the law books off of it. Just as he took hold of the Bible, the jerking of the rope, made him drop the Bible. As he was being hung, his eyes showed compassion for the crowd. And Uncle Sam only looked at the ground. Then one of the judges spoke up and said, 'You can drop him now.' Uncle Sam slowly and respectfully dropped Lincoln to the floor. He looked back at the men and said, "I hope you get what you deserve for this.' Then he held his chest and dropped to the floor, dead. His eyes were open. Then the crowd began to scatter, including the elected and appointed men who encouraged all of this.Then the man appears that he's seen in previous dreams. He knelt down beside President Lincoln and said, 'They didn't have any idea what they were doing. And now the nation needs to brace itself for what they deserve." He then walked over to Uncle Sam and closed his eyes, and tapped his heart area 3 times and said, 'Rest in peace Uncle Sam. Sorry you had to see the ship go down."Then the man looked right at Dana in the dream and said, 'Nation, nation, brace yourself for fire and ice and don't forget to anchor your soul.'(end of dream)Some have said they think President Lincoln is a symbol of President Trump. Or that he is symbolic of what America has stood for starting with President Lincoln up until this election.As this election season progresses, as the Biden 'victory' is being widely declared, the enabling of his minions is bringing out many of his supporters - the Trump haters - to come forward and demand revenge. The following article is about Democrat Congressman Bill Pascrell "calling for the eventual prosecution of Donald Trump and his enablers for their many crimes against the United States. Donald Trump and members of his administration have committed innumerable crimes against the United States," Pascrell charges..."He has engaged in treachery, in treason." Yet, Pascrell does not state what laws have been broken, what crimes have been committed.The article goes on..."The punishment for treason, defined by the law,...is death. Pascrell, by proclaiming him guilty just because he says so, wants Donald Trump to be executed by agents of a Democrat regime, whether it is authorized by United States Code or not. Pascrell goes on, "Therefore, in 2021 the entire Trump administration must be fully investigated by the Department of Justice and any other relevant offices,...Donald Trump along with his worst enablers must be tried for their crimes against our nation and Constitution."https://www.ammoland.com/2020/11/nj-democrats-demand-for-prosecution-of-trump-enablers-ups-the-stakes-for-all/#axzz6eM33wbBm
NJ Democrat’s Demand for Prosecution of Trump ‘Enablers’ Ups the Stakes for All"Only one person has been executed for treason against the federal government: William Bruce Mumford, who was convicted of treason and hanged in 1862." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treason_laws_in_the_United_States
Treason laws in the United States - WikipediaSo, in other words what Pascrell and many of the 'aggressive, mean spirited' crowd are saying is: 'We do not recognize the law of man or of God and simply find you worthy of death. Your time is over and a new dawn awaits those who dwell on this earth.' President Trump is not the only one they hate. All of the Deplorables are on their list - marked for 'reeducation' or worse."David Atkins, a newly elected California member of the Democratic National Committee, declared recently that Democrats and liberals should "start thinking in terms of post-WWII Germany or Japan" in order to "deprogram 75 million people." The 75 million people he referred to are presumably Trump supporters. https://politicofire.com/2020/11/19/national-democratic-party-official-suggests-re-education-for-trump-supporters-how-do-you-deprogram-75-million-people/
National Democratic Party official suggests re-education for Trump supporters: ‘How do you deprogram 75 million people?’ | Politico Fire
And he isn't the only one: https://www.breitbart.com/2020-election/2020/11/06/leftists-never-trumpers-begin-compiling-lists-of-trump-supporters/
Leftists, Never Trumpers Begin Compiling Lists of Trump Supporters
All sin demands judgment."The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people who suppress the truth by their wickedness." Romans 1:18"But because of your stubbornness and your unrepentant heart, you are storing up wrath against yourself for the day of God's wrath, when his righteous judgement will be revealed." Romans 2:5This dream speaks of coming judgment in the form of 'fire and ice'. Will this be symbolic or literal? Will this be judgment on America or the start of the Tribulation Period? The comment: "And now the nation needs to brace itself for what they deserve". Sounds like it's for America.So far, the dreams go only into January. Winter. And only one reference to Passover 2021: "Big things are coming to the world. Big things are coming to the world."We know America does not help Israel during the Gog war..something bad happens to her. Maybe what is coming will explain her absence.Whatever comes our way, heed the words:And don't forget to anchor your soul."The certain hope of our future salvation is an anchor to steady our souls while we wait on God in present storms."https://bible.org/seriespage/lesson-19-anchor-your-soul-hebrews-613-20
Lesson 19: An Anchor for Your Soul (Hebrews 6:13-20) | Bible.orgAnd we have these words of comfort:I have this hope as an anchor for my soulThrough every storm I will hold to You.There is hope in the promise of the crossYou gave everything to save the world You loveAnd this hope is an anchor for my soulOur God will stand unshakableWith endless love all my fear is swept awayIn everything I will trust in You.There is hope in the promise of the crossYou gave everything to save the world You loveAnd this hope is an anchor for my soulOur God will stand unshakable.Unchanging One who was and is to comeYour promise sure You will not let go.There is hope in the promise of the crossYou gave everything to save the world You loveAnd this hope is an anchor for my soulOur God will stand unshakable.Your Name is higher, Your Name is greaterAll my hope is in You.
Your word unfailing, Your promise unshakenAll my hope is in You.https://genius.com/Hillsong-worship-anchor-lyrics
Hillsong Worship – Anchor Lyrics | Genius LyricsI hope and pray the Rapture comes before this judgment falls upon America.But above all else, I pray "Thy will be done."Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!Maranatha!Chance