Hello John and Doves,Pastor Dana Coverstone had another dream - "Hold Your Breath" October 26-27 2020 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ifx9B6qh20
(236) Pastor Dana Coverstone Dream - Hold Your Breath - October 26-27 2020 - YouTube
"Pastor Dana has been receiving multiple dreams that are significant and relevant to present and future events in our nation and globally."This dream was about people all over America, all walks of life...suddenly a lot of those people started looking up, like they had heard and seen something, others didn't notice anything. Then a bunch of them - those who had started looking up - took a deep breath - and held their breath, like they were going to jump into water. Other people hadn't heard anything and didn't notice some were holding their breath - these people kept doing what they were doing.The people holding their breath were calm and were just looking around. Then Pastor Dana saw waves of water coming over the landscape. The boundaries all around the US were mountains and coming over the mountains was water - steady water - brilliant blue ocean water coming over slowly. Like the water was going to fill up 'the pool' of the US that was surrounded by mountains. Not like a tsunami.The people holding their breath weren't acting like they were scared of what was coming; they weren't worried, panicked, scared, they were calm as they held their breath - they stood squarely in place holding their kids' hands, with some of their families by their sides. The others were screaming, panicking, running with nowhere to go. They were making fists, looking into the sky and cursing the sky and the god that they believed lived there...and the water was coming up to their knees and they were yelling and screaming. And the people holding their breath were calm and relaxed.Pastor Dana sees two distinct groups - those holding their breath, who were very calm and those who hadn't tried to hold their breath, who were running, panicking, caught off guard.Out of the group holding their breath, walked the man that he'd seen in previous dreams - - the white figure who always said 'brace yourself', he was also the hospital internist, and the man holding the bucket - the man walks out and holds up two fingers and says "stay braced but don't breathe just yet"."The imagery of breath is often used to convey spiritual essence and power...The main Hebrew and Greek words translated as "breath"...are also translated as "spirit"..." https://www.biblegateway.com/resources/dictionary-of-bible-themes/4804-breath
4804 breath - Dictionary of Bible Themes - Bible GatewayPastor Dana said the calm group 'holding their breath' are the believers.We know that God promised to never destroy the earth again with a flood - so these waves of blue water are not literal.If we look at the days of Noah, the unbelievers were eating and drinking and marrying and giving in marriage and oblivious to the coming judgment - "they were unaware until the flood came and took them all away.." Matthew 24:39 They had no sense of apprehension of the coming flood. They were probably screaming, panicking, running with nowhere to go when the waters started rising. The unbelievers were taken away by judgment! These unbelievers probably cursed God and shook their fists at Him as the rains continued and the water rose.Noah and his family were the believers; they were closed up in the ark by God and saved from the flood, the judgment.As in Pastor Dana's dream, the unbelievers do not hear or see what the believers hear and see. They do not see the coming blue waves. They are oblivious to the coming judgment. Not until the water is at their feet and rising, then they are screaming, panicking, cursing and shaking their fists at God.The believers in the dream, hold their breath. They are told to not breath 'just yet'. The dream does not let us know what happens to these believers, but they are spared the flood/the judgment. But we can guess at what happens to the unbelievers...they are swept away in judgment. It would seem that the believers would need to be removed from 'the flood'..maybe their holding their breath/spirit/"spiritual essence and power" is allusion to Rapture.Pastor Dana's dreams have not shown us an actual Rapture event. In looking at his dreams, I'm 'guessing' at this happening sometime in November - early November.Since I am a believer in a pre-Tribulation Rapture, I am looking at the removal of the believers before the Tribulation Period starts.In Revelation, throughout the Tribulation, people refuse to repent and turn to God:"They did not repent of their sins and turn to God and give Him glory." Revelation 16:9"People gnawed their tongues in agony and blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, and repented not of their deeds." Revelation 16:10-11"And they cursed God on account of the plague of hail, because the plagues was so terrible." Revelation 16:21In the book of Job, the unrepentant shake their fists at God:"Distress and anguish fill him with terror; troubles overwhelm him..because he shakes his fist at God and defies the Almighty.". Job 15:24-25For us, the believers, as we see the judgment coming - we are not to panic, we are to remain calm. Note how 'the man' walks out of the group of people holding their breathe - He is with these people. His message is to this group of people: "Stay braced but don't breathe just yet." He is telling the believers, that they see and hear this judgment but it is not for them - they see it but they will 'survive' it. Will they be 'saved' like Noah and his family - removed from the judgment as it hits? It certainly seems so.The words just and yet together - "just yet" implies soon. Something happens that allows them to breathe again.There are some who believe that 'when the bombs come down, we go up'. Like Pastor JD Farag. So we might see the beginnings of the judgments. "Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man." Luke 21:36IF Pastor Dana's dreams are prophetic, 2020 is about to get a whole lot worse.When I started looking at the word 'blue' (for the blue water), I discovered that 'blue' occurs 50 times in the Bible and only in the Old Testament. "Its meaning in Scripture is that of representing God or royalty or service to god and godly living. https://www.biblestudy.org/bible-study-by-topic/meaning-of-colors-in-the-bible/meaning-of-color-blue.html
Meaning of the color blue in the BibleAlso, "In the scriptures, there are associations between different bible colors and particular bible subjects. For instance, the color blue is closely associated with the subject of "law" and "commandment". The purpose of the blue ribband as a fringe on the border of the garments of the children of Israel was to call to their memory, when they looked upon the ribband of blue, the commandments of the Lord, that they may remember and do those commandments. Thus, the color blue would be associated in the minds of all the people with the commandments of the Lord. The fact that the word blue appears in the scripture exactly fifty times, is no coincidence. The number 50 is the number of new beginnings. It is thru the keeping of the commandments of the law that Christ presented himself as a perfect sacrifice for the elect children of God and thus procured for them a new beginning in righteousness before God..." Also, a cloth of blue was used to cover the ark of the testimony, the table of showbread, the dishes, spoons, bowls, the candlestick, lamps, oil vessels, the golden altar, all the instruments of ministry in the Holy Tabernacle. (The book of Numbers) http://dentonpbc.org/color_blue.htm
Color Blue in Bible Scripture - Blue is the color of lawIn Matthew 5:17-18 Jesus said, "Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled."The blue waves appear to be coming judgment of the non-believers. Judgment for those who have not kept the commandments and accepted Jesus. They are the lawless ones.Is judgment prophesied to come upon the Earth? In the Revelation, there are four main categories of tribulation judgments: the seal judgments, the trumpet judgments, the thunder judgments and the bowl judgments. The judgments become progressively harsher...https://dispensationalpublishing.com/four-major-categories-tribulation-judgments-explanation/
The Four Major Categories of Tribulation Judgments: Explanation"Most assuredly, I say to you, he who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but has passed from death into life." John 5:24The believers in this dream are a good example of "For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control" 2 Timothy 1:7Just my thoughts, for now, on this latest dream of Pastor Dana's.Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!Maranatha!ChanceAs for the number 50 - I took October 26, 2020 (the dream date, including this date) plus 50 days = December 14, 2020. See my other letter "Eclipses, The Prophets Jonah and Micah, And Forty". Interesting date.