Chance (1 Nov 2020)
"Eclipses, The Prophets Jonah and Micah, And Forty"


Hello John, Fay, and Doves,
Looking at a mix of topics in this letter - eclipses, the prophets Jonah and Micah and the number 40.
Fay had a letter last week (25 Oct 2020) about a total solar eclipse on 12/14/2020.  In her letter she wrote:  "On December 14th, a total solar eclipse is due to occur.  This solar eclipse marks the exact half way point between the great American solar eclipse of August 21st, 2017 and the next American solar eclipse on April 8th,2025."
Chance re Cheshvan
This eclipse being the 'exact' mid-point is interesting.  My 40 day date was December 13th - counting 40 days starting with November 4th...I was just wondering if a 40 day count might lead us to an interesting date.  If I didn't include November 4th, the 40 day count would have ended on 12/14/2020.
When the Pharisees asked Jesus for a 'sign', Jesus said "An evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign, No sign will be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah."  Matthew 12:39  
On June 15th, 763BC when King Shur-Dan II was king of Assyria and King Jeroboam II was king of Israel, there occurred one of the most famous ancient solar eclipses.  The Prophet Jonah lived during the reign of these two kings.  It is believed that it is this solar eclipse that pushed the king of the Ninevites and the people of Nineveh to repent when Jonah gave them the God's message of repent or face destruction in 40 days.  Nineveh had already gone through a recent plague and an internal revolt, so this eclipse and Jonah's warning from God were 'the last straw' - the king of Nineveh ordered all to repent in sackcloth and ashes. And destruction was averted...this time.
Unveiling the Apocalypse: The Sign of Jonah and the Binding of Satan
Nineveh was given 40 days to repent.
In thetreeofliberty website "The Sign of Jonah - and a Period of 40 Months" is discussed.  This article looks at a 40 month period instead of a 40 day period and has info on various famous eclipses.  40 months from the Great American solar eclipse of 2017 is December 2020.  August 21, 2017 to December 21, 2020 - which is the Feast of Micah.  Micah was the sixth of the Minor Prophets.
The Sign of Jonah – and a Period of 40 Months

The Feast of Micah is on the first day of winter:  December 21.  "Micah was a Jewish prophet in Judah and is the author of the Old Testament book of Micah....he lived at roughly the same time as the prophets Isaiah, Amos, and Hosea.  Micah's prophecies focused on Jerusalem...It was Micah who prophesied that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2)
The Prophet Micah - Thursday, December 21
I have sent several letters to Doves where I referred to Micah chapter 7, where Micah writes "Woe is me!  He goes to pick grapes/figs but the harvest has taken them.  The faithful, the good people have vanished from the land; there is no one upright among the people.  All of them wait in ambush to shed blood; they hunt each other with a net; both hands are good at accomplishing evil; do not put trust in your neighbor; guard the doors of your mouth from her who lies in your arms; a man's enemies are the men of his own household; the day of your watchman has come; now is the time of confusion/panic.
It is very interesting that 40 months from the Great American eclipse takes us to December 2020, specifically December 21, 2020 - the Feast of Micah.
Micah, the prophet, writes about, what I believe is, the Rapture and the aftermath for the Jewish people. The harvest of the fruits has occurred - the good people are 'missing'/the Rapture/The harvest.  The watchmen have announced the day - the Lord has come in the clouds - the day we are told to 'watch' for Him.  There is panic and confusion as they do not understand what has happened - millions of people are missing - the good people are missing. The Jewish people are left in a world of evil people, that are out for blood and can't be trusted.  This is why, Micah says "Woe is me!!!  The harvest has taken place!  The Rapture has come! Their only hope now is God - "I will wait for the God of my salvation: my God will hear me."   At the Second Coming.  
The Rapture will have already happened before Micah goes out to the vineyards/fields.  In Israel, all of the harvests are over - all of the fruits and grains have been harvested.  Will the Rapture occur before the 40th day, the 40th month?  Before December, 2020?  I certainly hope so.  
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!