There were four assassinated U.S. Presidents: Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley and Kennedy.
Lincoln served 1503 days. 1503 is the 1263rd composite number.
Garfield served 199 days. 199 is the 47th prime number (the only prime numbered term).
McKinley served 1654 days. 1654 is the 1394th composite number.
Kennedy served 1036 days. 1036 is the 861st composite number.
The total 4392 days served by the four assassinated Presidents plus the 3565 sum of the placeholders for each term equals the 7957 verses in the New Testament !!!
The placeholder sum of 3565 equals: 5 x 713. 5 is the number for grace. 713 is the sum of the first 22 prime numbers and 713 is the prime number gematria of ‘JESUS CHRIST’ as derived from its Greek spelling.
The 16th prime number in the series of 22 primes totaling 713 is 47. 713 minus 47 equals: 666.
Joe Biden was the 47th Vice President. If he does win the election then he will become the 46th President. If he should then become incapable of fulfilling his duties as President, Kamala Harris could become the 47th President. Both Biden and Harris would then share the link to the number of the Beast through the prime number 47.
4392 days served minus 3565 placeholder sum equals: 827. 827 x 2 equals the 1654 days served by McKinley. 827 is the 35th number and top right corner of my ‘Prime Cube’. John Fitzgerald Kennedy was the 35th President. The sum of the ASCII codes for ‘Fitzgerald’ equals the 1036 days JFK served.
The First Zionist Congress was held during the three day period from 8.29.1897 to 8.31.1897. From 8.29.1897 to Election Day 11.3.2020 was 19 x 2368 inclusive days. 2368 is the Greek gematria of ‘JESUS CHRIST’. 1036 days served by JFK plus its composite number placeholder of 861 equals 1897. The sum of the ASCII codes for ‘Garfield Biden Harris’ is also 1897. The composite number gematria for ‘garfield biden harris’ is 969 (Methuselah’s lifespan). The prime number gematria for ‘garfield harris’ is 2020.
President Garfield died on 9.19.1881. From 9.19.1881 to Election Day 11.3.2020 was 54 x 941 days. 941 is the last prime number in the ‘Prime Cube’. From 9.19.1881 to 11.9.2020 will be 70 x 726 days. 726 is Strong’s Greek roster number for ‘HARPAZO’. From 9.11.2001 to 11.9.2020 will be 7000 inclusive days. From 8.29.1897 to 11.9.2020 will be 3 x 14,999 days. 14,999 is the sum of all 17 prime numbers that make up the 3rd column of the ‘Prime Cube’ (827 to 941).
The last date around my ‘Circle of Time’ circumference was 5.11.2018. 11.9.2020 will be the 913th day back down the diameter line returning to the center of my ‘Circle of Time’ after 5.11.2018. There are 527 days remaining to complete the diameter of 1440 (the number of minutes in a day). Jared was 527 when Enoch was taken. 11.9.2020 will be the 1122nd day around my ‘Circle of Jesus Christ’ centered at the base of my ‘Circle of Christ’ that has a diameter of 1480. The center point of the ‘Circle of Jesus Christ’ was the first day of the current 19-year Jewish calendar cycle. 913 + 1122 equals the sum of the 17 prime numbers that make up column one of my ‘Prime Cube’. These are the 23rd to 39th prime numbers from 79 to 163 that total 2035. The sum of the first 22 primes, leading up to column one of the ‘Prime Cube’, total 713 (the prime number gematria of ‘JESUS CHRIST’). 713 minus the 16th prime in that series (47) equals: 666. 666 plus 2035 equals the gematria of Genesis 1:1 (2701). 913 is the gematria of the first word of Genesis 1:1 (‘In the beginning’).
I hope these anomalies mean we may be going home very, very soon.